Valerie Hoff of 11Alive resigns after jokingly using the N-word in private Twitter exchange with black viewer – IOTW Report

Valerie Hoff of 11Alive resigns after jokingly using the N-word in private Twitter exchange with black viewer

Reporter Valerie Hoff wanted consent to use a video of a white Georgia police officer punching a black man after a traffic stop.

She  sent this to the man who posted it on social media-

The man was amused when he thought the reporter was black.

When he found out the reporter was a white woman he immediately wanted her punished, even after she explained that it was a lame attempt to be affable by repeating his own use of the word back to him. (He called the media “niggas.”)

Doesn’t matter. Social justice. Reparations. Vindictiveness.

Valerie Hoff, today, is out of a job.

Here is a live poll that asked if Hoff should have been fired.

ht/ jc lady


19 Comments on Valerie Hoff of 11Alive resigns after jokingly using the N-word in private Twitter exchange with black viewer

  1. Magnificent. A leftist garbage racist white liberal scum got burned for her racist pandering. She was about to destroy a good white cop for her own personal gain. Shes a dumb nigga. I can say that… she cant. The morons taking that poll are supporting and feeling sorrow for the enemy. The queers deserve what they have coming to them at the hands of the muslimz and this rat deserves what shes getting too. Dont feel sorrow for the enemy that hates your guts.

  2. She’s just a white nigga. Move along.

    I HATE stoopid leftists, they deserve
    anything they get.

    From my first submarine in ’86’s Chief’s
    Quarters entrance:

    The Stupid Shall Be Punished.

    On a brass placard that you were forced to
    look at as you climbed down the ladder into
    the Goatlocker. Learn or life will be hard.

  3. A very wise old axiom; Better to remain silent and thought a fool, then to speak and remove all doubt.
    It’s like asking a chick when she’s due….but she is just fat. Shoulda just said; Hi, how you doin’?

  4. Atlanta, The City Too Busy To Hate.

    F–k Atlanta, its Village People news crews, and the maggots like Curtis Rivers who infest it. Ashamed to have been born there.

  5. You can make one of the most vulgar jokes in the history of network television – about the country’s President, no less – and still keep your high paying late night talk show hosting job.
    But this poor schmuck reporter made a minor joke in private and she loses her on air job.

  6. This bimbo even refers to herself as “a news lady”. My God, when you get a glimpse inside the minds of these phony psychotics its laughable. How DARE she use such gender pronouning and labeling?? Her journalism degree should be rescinded for such hate speech. What a misogynistic term to use “a news lady”… is it still 1950? Or, does she think the nigga she be talkin to are too stoopid to understand white talk?

  7. “Please call this news nigga”
    As opposed to
    “Please call this news, nigga”

    “Men have been hanged by a comma.”
    (dead white dude)

    Now, apparently, women have too.
    We are steeped in ignorance.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. A glimpse of the seething malevolent venomous racist hatred that has been incited and fueled in this country after 8 years of Obama, Holder, Rice, Lynch, Sharpton et al.

  9. For some people, being on the NEWS is a happy dance… especially those narcissistic social people. She didn’t need to go to that place to bait her hook. What a dope.

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