Valerie Jarrett: Trump’s Win Was ‘Soul-Crushing’ – IOTW Report

Valerie Jarrett: Trump’s Win Was ‘Soul-Crushing’


One of President Obama’s top advisers said on Wednesday that Donald Trump’s electoral win was “soul-crushing.”

Valerie Jarrett offered that dramatic assessment during a “Women Rule” event hosted by Politico.

“Obviously we were surprised by the outcome of the election. It kind of was like — I’m not sure what the right analogy would be — but like a punch in the stomach, let’s say. Soul-crushing might be another description,” Jarrett said. “But that’s the democracy that we have. The people get to decide and the elections matter and we have to get about the business of doing our job.”

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31 Comments on Valerie Jarrett: Trump’s Win Was ‘Soul-Crushing’

  1. Our real unelected President’s soul was crushed? How precious! How wonderful! How fabulous!
    Can’t wait to hear how she feels when her entire Leftist Legacy is swept away.

  2. “I’m not sure what the right analogy would be — but like a punch in the stomach”
    No Val, the “right” analogy is a knock out punch. Finally the “right” has delivered it’s own version of the knock out game.

  3. goldenfoxx, thx for the image

    all, remember those faces as they took up space in our wonderful white house and contributed to pushing america into the ditch

    along comes the trump truck to pull us out of the mud, hallefrickinglujah

  4. Jarrett crushed the souls of Americans for eight years, but of course she’s concerned only about her own twisted, warped and evil soul. Thank God, her soul is the passport to the place she deserves to be for eternity – Hell.

  5. I agree that the Iranian Puppet Meister’s biggest loss will be no secret service to protect her from what is coming for her. Boo Hoo Hoo….now Bammy will have to wipe his own ass. Too Bad, Sooooo Sad! Watch her flee to a safe space where she cannot be extradited for committing high treason, the architect of Obama’s intended destruction of our Constitution and our Nation. Make no mistake, Val Jar was the mastermind plugged directly into Soros’s command HQ.

  6. “Soul-crushing” that people don’t enjoy being fed shit while being told it’s chocolate.
    Wow. Who woulda thunk it?
    You destroyed the economy, destroyed our medical care, used the IRS as your GESTAPO, made the DOJ complicit in voter fraud, stole $ Trillions through “Green” energy scams, put coal miners out of business while driving electricity prices up 30-70%, funnelled $2 Billion per year to Warren Buffet by denying the pipeline, sent Soros $100 Billion through Brazil, gave $1/2 Trillion to Iran while allowing them to build nukes, facilitated the invasion of the rat-people through our southern border, and made us pay to bring additional hundreds-of-thousands of murderous ragheads into our country!

    Now you got the sads?

    You and your entire apparatus should be tried (and executed) for TREASON.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Extirpates December 8, 2016 at 12:00 pm

    The poor dears. The “special snowflakes” are unhappy. Get them their binkies!!!!


    I’d like to see some Binkies with Trumps name on the upper lip. I’d hand those out to the liberal whiners. Some, please design one and market it, I’d buy a few!

  8. For evermore, I shall listen to the Bar-Kays’ 1967 hit “Soul Finger” and shout out loud at the appropriate moments “Soul Crusher!! Soul Crusher!!” I also wish I had a monopoly on the Whaaaaaaburger franchise so I could really clean up between now and MAGA Day (formerly known as Inauguration Day)!

    Thanks, ValJar!! MAGA!!!

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