Valerie Plame to America: Please give me $1 billion so I can buy Twitter and ban Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Valerie Plame to America: Please give me $1 billion so I can buy Twitter and ban Donald Trump

Taking money from the simple.

CFP: Valerie Plame – yes that Valerie Plame – has decided that her ignoble 15 minutes aren’t quite up yet. Th former CIA agent has decided to extend her brief flirtation with fame by announcing a new GoFundMe scheme to, get this, raise a billion dollars, buy Twitter, and “take away Trump’s megaphone.”  That’s right, she wants everyone to donate their hard-earned cash so she can become Twitter’s largest shareholder and silence the President.

After 6 days, it’s raised a meager $8,000 of its $1 Billion goal. MORE

22 Comments on Valerie Plame to America: Please give me $1 billion so I can buy Twitter and ban Donald Trump

  1. good luck with that- I do not think twitter is in the market to sell. so where does the $8000.00 go that has been given? Oh wait, into her bank account–duh…

  2. I guess she saw how Jill Stein made out like a bandit with her vote recount scam. Hey Clooney, since you’re throwing a million to the SPLC, why don’t you send a million Valerie’s way?

  3. Plame was the center of an outing scandal that saw one innocent man go to jail, the guilty man walking free and Plame and her husband essencially outing themselves months earlier when they were profiled in a magazine as the oh so cool DC power couple. Now she want’s to get back in the spotlight. Well, be careful what you wish for because you made enemies at the agency and someone may just decide to reopen your case for a review.

  4. @Just Sayin:
    “I just visited the fund me sight. She is a little over 40k$ after a week at that rate she’ll hit her billion $ goal in approximately 475 years.”

    Still, $40,000 a week is pretty good pay for an out of work ex CIA analyst. Consider it a tax on stupid people.

  5. Good. Hey lefties, send this horrid witch all the money you can. The more money this charlatan swindles people out of, the less money those clueless fools give to the DNC. I sincerely hope she roasts in hell for what she got away with.

  6. More government economics at “work.” By the time she gets a billion dollars of other people’s money to buy the controlling share of Twitter, a Subway Sandwich of the Day and a billion dollars will buy you the controlling share of Twitter and a billion dollars.

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