Van Gogh’s Sunflowers Back on Display 6 Hours After Getting Slopped with Soup – IOTW Report

Van Gogh’s Sunflowers Back on Display 6 Hours After Getting Slopped with Soup


One of Van Gogh’s famous Sunflowers paintings has been cleaned and is back on display, after climate activists threw tins of what appeared to be tomato soup over it.

London’s National Gallery confirmed it is now back in place, about six hours after the soup incident. More

13 Comments on Van Gogh’s Sunflowers Back on Display 6 Hours After Getting Slopped with Soup

  1. The museum officials should have superglued the protestors’ entire bodies to the wall and floor, labeled it “modern art”, and sold special exhibit tickets. They’d have made a bundle.

  2. Throw these terrorist toddlers into a dungeon powered by wind and solar for the next 20 years. Let’s see how that works out for them.

    Do they know how their iPhones get power?

  3. All seems like bovine scatology to me.
    As many of these lame/half ass “attacks” as have happened, you’d think the curators would learn and prevent. So far they’ve used oil and now campbells soup. Seems they get’em cleaned & back on display quickly.
    And…if you ask me, glueing a hand to a painted surface shows a distinct lack of true commitment. Pussies probably use Elmer’s.

  4. SOLUTION: Drivers in England should carry cans of tomato soup in their cars with which to cosh traffic blocking climate protesters on their filthy protesting heads.

    It’s not just for supper.


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