Van Jones Admits Trump Is Helping Black People—and Democrats Are Panicking – IOTW Report

Van Jones Admits Trump Is Helping Black People—and Democrats Are Panicking


In a very telling interview, CNN contributor Van Jones tried to warn Democrats that Donald Trump just “sent a warning shot over the bow” letting them know that he’s coming “after the black vote.” But what he also said is that it will work, terrifying Democrats everywhere who have relied on the black voter block for everything.

Jones has supported the president’s criminal justice reform, which affects many in the black community. It’s extremely interesting to hear Jones say that Trump’s message is “you may not like my rhetoric but look at my results. If he narrowcasts that it’s going to be effective.” Does it strike you as somewhat unreal that Democrats are worried about the fact that Trump is helping minorities? You would think they’d be thrilled about that, considering they claim to be the party for minorities. But perhaps even their staunchest defenders, like Jones, are discovering that Democrats love to talk about helping people while Trump is creating policies that are actually helping people. read more

13 Comments on Van Jones Admits Trump Is Helping Black People—and Democrats Are Panicking

  1. It’s not unreal at all. Trump & conservatives have based their actions on the basis that each individual has the right to self-determination. The democrats base their actions on forming groups that can be manipulated. That’s why they want lllegals voting.

    I have a feeling that there may be a lot more closet Trump supporters on the dem plantation.

  2. President Trump has been courting black America’s from the start of his run for president asking them “what have you got to lose”
    And its working for them and all of us.

  3. @Immortal Fish — This is how detractors (not saying you are) spin the president’s Second Chance Act, but it is not primarily a get-out-of-jail-free card. Second Chance is directed at prison reform and putting real programs in place that ready inmates for a productive, crime-free life once they fulfill their sentences. It emphasizes acquiring life and vocational skills as well as working with employers to change attitudes about those with prior convictions. Trump’s reforms are not designed for blacks only, but for all convicts who have served their time. The goal is to disrupt (an approach Trump often takes) the cycle of incarceration, especially for young offenders who so often go on to commit crimes upon release because those are their only job skills and they have no support outside of their prison “family.” From what I’ve read about it and those who are part of it, Second Chance is a real lifeline to those who once saw a prison sentence as a permanently closed door to becoming a useful, fully functional member of society. Trump’s focus, as he often puts it, is redemption. If you think about it, it’s a lot less expensive to society — as costs are measured in various ways — to offer the means of successful, crime-free life.

    This was a helpful article from NR:

    Knowing Trump as we do, it is very unlikely he would put his support behind something that didn’t require prisoners to do the heavy lifting in order to qualify for these programs.

  4. …and as BadBrad said on another thread: “This is why we need charter schools.”

    Imagine (mostly) black children literally stuck in crappy government schools, who leave them with no ability to do math, write anything but their names correctly, no verbal skills (because speaking English is considered “white”), a chip on their shoulder (because of Democrat indoctrination), and no concept of the American Dream (because “America Bad”). Are they better candidates for a living wage job down the road, or are they more likely to go out and get theirs’ because life sucks and taking is a lot easier for them than earning? And how can one earn a damn thing if they have no skills or real self-respect to do so? What the Left has stolen from our country are generations of people who will never get a do-over.

  5. Jones didn’t have an epiphany.
    Jones is attempting to warn his fellow socialists that their socialism needs to buck up.

    Apparently, even after 100 years of socialist indoctrination the denizens of the inner city ghettos can awaken to their peril.
    Sooner or later the socialists have to deliver SOMETHING – regardless of how worthless that something is. Bread, cheese, muscatel, and dope ain’t hitting it.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Democrats/progressives have no interest in black people other than to exploit them to advance their own political agenda. In the antebellum days Democrats used to pick their cotton and today they use black people for votes. That is the long and short of it.

    If you doubt me study the racism/segregationism of their hero Woodrow Wilson. Democrats/progressives can say that was then and this is now, but just ask them to take the name of Woodrow Wilson off a public school building that black kids have to enter if they want to attend school in their own neighborhood and it becomes very clear that Democrats/progressives have nothing but contempt for black people.

  7. “narrowcasts”?? VanJones is quite the inventor of new, hip words, isn’t he? The reason he is behind this is because prison reform includes a wide array of Lefty orgs like the ACLU. Trump has successfully headed people like Van Jones off at the pass — as he did with Pelosi and prescription drug prices — from stealing the credit from Trump and the Republicans, for prison reform. But the fact is Trump could care less who takes the credit as long as the goal of disrupting the increased crime and incarceration rates is achieved.


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