Vandals Flood Historic WWII Era Sub In New Jersey – IOTW Report

Vandals Flood Historic WWII Era Sub In New Jersey

Late Saturday night, vandals made their way aboard the USS Ling , a WWII era Balao Class submarine that has been a floating exhibit in Hackensack’s, New Jersey Naval Museum.

The trespassers managed to break into the vessel, open hatches and flood the interior. The thieves also made off with four memorial plaques estimated to be valued at $10,000. More

The museum has faced a series of difficulties in recent years; between losing their lease, the Ling being mired in Hackensack river, Hurricane Sandy washing out the access pier, and now the flooding of their main attraction. More

USN photo

21 Comments on Vandals Flood Historic WWII Era Sub In New Jersey

  1. Is this another situation where our history has become a liability so someone wanted it gotten rid of quickly to solve a controversy?

    History is inconvenient, isn’t it? But then again, it’s not exactly a war museum that saw a lot of action.

  2. @Loretta in Indiana – The vandals should be forced to repair, refloat, and clean the submarine. Oh, and never be allowed out of it to see the light of day, ever.

    Few people can conceive of what it was like to sail and fight in those tiny, cramped, smelly, noisy, dangerous boats. I’ve been on one a few times as a kid (my father, USNA ’42, was a submariner, fought in both the Atlantic and Pacific during WWII, and had his own command after the war), and whenever I have the opportunity to visit one of the few remaining relics open to visitors, I go down inside and shiver.

  3. Read the Wikipedia link on USS Ling. The people of Hackensack put in a lot of labor and money to renovate this sub to pristine historic condition back in the 1970s. As the years went on a number of individuals and institutions necessary for the subs future turned their back on the vessel.

    While the vandals committed an unexplainable crime, the people who lost interest in this living monument share in the current sad condition of this piece of history entrusted to the city of Hackensack.

  4. visiting a sub is on my bucket list. Those men that served (like Uncle Als dad) went places i never could. I could never ever have served on a sub. Just the thought of not seeing daylight makes me nervous. And to desecrate and flood it? unbelievable. Even if caught, what judge would punish them?

  5. Make them scrub the sub clean with toothbrushes. Then paint it with toothpicks.
    God Damn scumbags.
    Of course we all know some liberal judge will give them a stern talking to, instead of jail time.

  6. These people have to be taken out. Just one shot from a sniper a mile away will do it. You can have 24 hour coverage of a dead asshole for a few days but then the shit will stop. Remember Kent State?
    Once the scumbag victim is white, it won’t matter and won’t last long on the news.
    My berry bad, solly.

  7. I guess it’s the difference between normal people who have a little spare time on their hands and malevolent leftists.

    I play with the dog, spend a little time in the wood shop.

    They prove that poor child raising leads to brats, which leads to skinny ass shitpickle sneaks that still act childishly for no apparent reason. They don’t even know the reason.

    I’m no softy, but there is no punishment more dire than for them to live out their obscure, meaningless lives in the painful recognition that they have achieved absolutely nothing and are less consequential than a barnacle on the hull of a ship that once held a crew that served with bravery and dignity to allow these children to tantrum in complete safety.

    I don’t give half a shit about overgrown children.
    Their actions didn’t erase history. The names of the adultoddlers should never be known.

  8. This is BULLSHIT! This kind of shit should be a death penalty offense! I’m getting sick and tired of the shit and after they catch and kill the little motherfuckers that do this shit, make their parents…or who ever raised them pay for the damage…or kill them too!!! Maybe after a few of those get put in open pit graves people will start paying attention to how THEY raise their kids…or stop having them.

  9. I toured the WWII submarine USS Cobia in Manitowoc, WI a couple of weeks ago. The young tour guide was the best guide ever and he really knew that sub and it’s history well. He made you feel what it was like to be on that sub as best he could. They could not have dragged me aboard that thing for a tour of duty back then with a bulldozer. If you ever get near Manitowoc, it’s really worth the time and effort to see it. Oh yeah! The vandals should be shot.

  10. Vietvet that was my first thought too.
    I think AA has a way to get in touch with the family, I will ask her in the mourning. If we find out we will send an update to Mr. Hat.
    Dirt bags they are.

  11. I am very familiar with the USS Ling and the situation it faces. I have been a docent and tour guide aboard that boat, and it was my absolute favorite of any museum boat.
    When the New Jersey Naval Museum was established in 1973 on the shore of the Hackensack River, the museum signed a 99 year lease with the property owner. At the time, a local newspaper was published there. While the museum was never huge, it operated well for decades with dedicated volunteers.
    Spring ahead to the mid-2000’s. The newspaper had been shut down several years earlier, and the property owner passed away. The property was inherited by his son. And the first thing the son wanted to do was evict the museum and develop the property. This was around 2004 or 2005.
    The Museum board fought the eviction, and appealed to both the Hackensack and New Jersey politicians to make sure they would not have to move. An added complication was the Hackensack River has not been dredged since around 1980, so it is impossible for the Ling to be floated down river to another location. The politicians were lining up to support Ling and the NJNM and it looked for a while like the museum would prevail. Then Hurricane Sandy hit and flooded out the property, including the building the museum used to house their collection. Things started going down-hill quickly after that and the museum never recovered.
    Mysteriously, about a year and a half ago, the brow connecting Ling to the shore “collapsed,” preventing tourists from accessing the boat, which was the museum’s main tourist draw.
    About a year ago, the US Navy contacted the museum and stated they would be collecting all US Government property that had been on-loan to the museum, with the exception of the Ling herself because she could not be moved.
    It’s no coincidence that on the weekend that the last of the museum’s property was being packed up into storage containers and moved off-site that the memorial plaques (which were permanently mounted on large cement memorial foundations) were ‘stolen’ and the Ling herself literally sunk.
    It would be my guess that if the police investigate this deeply enough, the evidence will point directly at the current property owner, who is still champing at the bit to get his condos built on the property.
    However, that’s just my two cents.
    (BTW – I’m extremely pissed by this situation.)


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