Vanity “Fair?” – IOTW Report

Vanity “Fair?”

ahhhhhAHHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAH… breathe.. ..  ahh ohh, ohh, ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha… geahhh… breathe…..AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. snot… excuse me… AHAHAHAHHAHHHAHAhahhhhhhhh

Vanity Fair has put Michelle Obama… snort… heheh.. on its best dressed list.. and…aaaaaaaaaahahhh..

…left off Melania Trump.


Listen, political hacks, Michelle is a sweaty, greasy, wig-wearing Amazon whose body type is mysteriously not copied by mannequin-makers.

Melania, on the other hand, is blessed with style, grace and a body that looks a lot like the mannequins in all the upscale stores.



47 Comments on Vanity “Fair?”

  1. Fashion magazines have been acting as Michelle Obama’s personal public relations firms for over eight years. Even now that she is no longer the First Lady, these idiots are still trying to tell us our lying eyes are all wrong.

    Sadly for them, it isn’t working.

    We stupid hoi-polloi still believe our lying eyes.

  2. I love those window pane checked pants! I want a pair.

    Vanity Fair is like Esquire in that it is a rag filled with $27,000. handbags, emaciated models (Esquire’s are ALL gay), and articles that appeal to Progressive vanities. Of course they’re not going to include the country’s most beautiful conservative women.

    I was having some body work done on my car and while waiting for rental pick up I was faced with three options from the reading table: The Seattle Times with a front page devoted to “Fighting Trump on DACA”, Self Magazine (how appropriate), and Esquire. I leafed through the July issue issue and the main article was how a life of comedy prepared Al Franken for life in the Congress. It was not satire.

  3. First off, Michelle Obama is not a pretty woman or even a noticeable one. There are at least a half dozen black women on cable news media who out-sparkle her and they’re just reading the news. Secondly, she dresses too young for her age but, thirdly, she looks uncomfortable and awkward in age-appropriate or elegant clothing. Her iconic look is wearing a sweater/shirt/dress backward paired with strange accoutrement cascading down her ample backside and everything strapped up with an enormous belt and all worn with shoes that either look orthopedic in some way or are missing essential parts, like toeless tennis shoes. And that’s just the get up. Once she’s in motion the only word that comes to mind is “gallumphing.” She’s slightly bow legged, her calves are too skinny and she gallumphs like a man trying to look like a woman. Vanity Fair putting her on their “best dressed” list is Fake News.

  4. Silly, silly common sense-wielding conservatives. Can’t your small brains figure out the consequences for any Vanity Fair editor who WON’T put Michelle on the best dressed list? That’s like NOT voting for Kim Jong Un.

    This is why idiots in the mainstream media don’t see communism as a bad thing: working in the mainstream media is like living under a form of communism already.

  5. Have you seen a fashion show lately?

    Most crazed designers are no different than showing off the most obscure Halloween outfits. Hollywood loves this shit.

    In the proper context, Moose fits right in.

  6. So, that pavement ape gets recognized for her dresses?
    Do we get recognized for paying for them?
    Vanity Fair should double its subscriptions soon as all the Parrots in Florida are migrating north with their people to get away from Irma, and will need something to go on the bottoms of their cages

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