Vanity Plate Applicants Winners and Losers – IOTW Report

Vanity Plate Applicants Winners and Losers

The last one, if true, bothers me.

Applicant Explanation: Have unwavering faith (4) respect the Day

DMV Comments: Who farted

Verdict: No

Applicant Explanation: Celebration of my son moving out of the house

DMV Comments: Dick

Verdict: No

Applicant Explanation: I’m the extension of my dad. My father’s name is “Dick” and I was named after him

DMV Comments: Dick extension. Customer’s name is Brant

Verdict: No

Applicant Explanation: Sad time in my life and my car is blue

DMV Comments: Blew Me

Verdict: No

Applicant Explanation: Myself being a middle-aged woman

DMV Comments: Hot and sexy

Verdict: Yes

Applicant Explanation: Funky trumpet in the funk music genre

DMV Comments: Fuck Trump

Verdict: No

Applicant Explanation: Am a gay man who loves playing video games (Gay…Gaymur)

DMV Comments: Looks like he’s saying ‘gamer’ but using ‘gay’…Could be taken offensively?

Applicant Explanation: We love Palm Springs

DMV Comments: Looks like we love pussy

Verdict: No

Verdict: Yes

Applicant Explanation: Saint Anne is an important historical figure, and someone who I model my life after.

DMV Comments: Satan

Verdict: Yes

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Wouldn’t there be an N after the 8?

It obviously says Satan.

17 Comments on Vanity Plate Applicants Winners and Losers

  1. I don’t remember what state the tags were from, but seeing them on I-95 in Virginia circa 1985 made me want to throw up. Two baby blue VW beetles driving in tandem, the first one’s tag was IYQ and the second was IYQ2.


  2. Funniest personalized plate I ever saw was on the car that parked across the street from me in Annandale VA.
    3M TA3.

    I figured it was a company vehicle for someone who worked for 3M and it took a few months and an oh shit moment.

    Then I saw it in my rear view mirror while backing out of my driveway.

    EAT ME

  3. I’ve seen a few really thoughtful ones. Pretty sure I saw IWEWEYQ. Saw 8APRIUS on big pickup.
    My CA plate was OH 42NA. Which means, well, several things. But I wanted O 42NA which was taken.

  4. The absolute best & funniest vanity plate that I have ever seen was about 10 years ago in Kentucky. H2OUUP2. It took me a second or 10 to get it. What Are You Up To? Very clever, indeed! Especially for a fella from Kentucky! Kidding!! Still my personal favorite of all I have ever seen.

  5. Fuh-Q

    I explained that one in English class. It didn’t go over well. We used to play Tonk for silver in school and never learned anything. Or not much. But “TONK, you bitchass motherfucker!”

    Ms Butt (her real name) was hopping mad. I didn’t understand. “I only take a dollar out of five I win!”

    Now I have a 10 year old, myself.

  6. My personalized plate back during the Obama years was

    I was at a political event and the Politico reporter noticed it and put it in his article. That’s good mileage out of that plate.

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