Vape Pen Vaporizes Teen’s Jaw – IOTW Report

Vape Pen Vaporizes Teen’s Jaw


A Nevada teenager was hospitalized after his vape pen exploded in his mouth, leaving him with injuries consistent with “a close-range gunshot wound.”

Austin Adams, now 18, asked his mother, 45-year-old Kailani Burton, to buy him a vape kit in March 2018 to help him quit smoking, a request which she agreed to, according to a case study published Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Adams used the device — made by a company called VGOD — for about a month until one day it exploded in his mouth while he was smoking, shattering his jaw, breaking several of his teeth and leaving him with severe burns to his lips and face. 

“Austin came in with his hand up to his mouth,” Burton told NBC News. “He was in shock and unable to speak.”

Dr. Jonathan Skiro, a pediatric ear, nose and throat surgeon who treated Adams, told the Washington Post that the teen’s injuries resembled “a close-range gunshot wound.”

“The tissue kind of got vaporized,” he recalled.

17 Comments on Vape Pen Vaporizes Teen’s Jaw

  1. After near 50 years of smoking I tried vaping. Used both for a couple of months then dropped the cigs about a year and a half ago. My vape pen is a solid cased metal and while the battery could blow-up the same could happen with a phone or even a cordless razor. It cost about $40 and $11 for juice. Saved that much in a few weeks. Love it.

  2. This is horrid…

    And this just happened spontaneously? And not because this also-smoker absentmindedly flicked a bic? Or tried to “smoke” something else in his vape machine?

  3. Anyone who holds a lithium battery in their mouth or next to their brain will learn of the danger in the worst way.

    Sitting on top of a bank of them in a Tesla is also tempting fate.

    Good Times in the 21st Century.

  4. Probably shoddy Chinese product.

    Meanwhile, cigarettes continue to start fires and kill people. No natinal news on that.

    I vape. Keeps me off tobacco. I feel great.

    Most of these ecig horror stories are spread far and wide to instill fear in the populace so that the coming YUGE tax increases on vape products will go uncontested.


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