Vaping THC Linked To Lung Damage – IOTW Report

Vaping THC Linked To Lung Damage

Associated Press

Nearly nine out of 10 cases where vaping led to people developing a severe lung disease in Wisconsin involved the use of THC products, such as waxes or oils, Wisconsin’s Department of Health Services said Thursday.

Health officials said that 89 percent of the 27 people they interviewed who became sick reported using e-cigarettes or other vaping devices to inhale THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana. More

21 Comments on Vaping THC Linked To Lung Damage

  1. Don’t touch the oven it is hot. Don’t look down the barrel of a gun. An old fool like me has seen this happen by adults this year alone. Shall we flatten hills so idiots won’t succumb to gravity?

  2. For weeks the local news said it was just ‘vaping’ with no more info. So, now the Milwaukee Dept of Health says to stop vaping IMMEDIATELY!.
    The same Milwaukee Dept of Health that says everyone in MKE with kids has lead water pipes that the rest of the state has to pay to replace.

  3. When I was a kid we smoked our pot in rolled up paper or used a pipe. Then we walked 15 miles to school, uphill(both ways), barefoot in snow. Kids nowadays!

  4. Huron, was down there walking my aunt’s dog earlier. Few swimmers out. Have you seen the camera they now have at the mouth of the river? Google Ship Cam Port Huron Michigan. Camera’s right across river from you guys.

  5. Vaping is basically inhaling water vapor on the lungs, over and over again. Isn”t water vapor on the lungs the cause of pleurisy and/or pneumonia ?

    Even a non-medical person can reason that out.

  6. If you wanted to smoke dope why wouldn’t you just smoke dope? Vaping is kinda like those morons who…

    I decided I’m not going to go on with that.

    You wanna smoke dope, smoke it. You wanna drink alcohol, just do it.

  7. @ Different Tim… people were/are putting alcohol up their asses. It’s not quite unlike the fools who used to mainline alcohol.

    There’s never a dull moment for these morons.

  8. Johnson and Johnson just got successfully sued for their contribution to the opioid “crisis” while most of the ODs are from heroin.
    And if people take their prescriptions according to the prescription they will never – NEVER – OD.

    This vape bullshit is progressing along the same lines: Some dickheads do something stupid (and illegal) and the filthy fucking lawyers figure out a way for the law-abiding to pay for, and suffer for, it – and the morons on the juries can’t tell the difference.

    Judicial plunder.

    Too many “mays” and “potentials” to satisfy the most ignorant pursuer of science (outside of “climatology” pseudo-science which is closely akin to the “science” of Ancient Alien Studies), but more than enough to award $Billions to a bunch of maggot lawyers (see Roundup).

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. It seems the flavors in the vape juice sometimes use ‘diacetyl ?’, which is the stuff implicated in ‘popcorn lung’- like the microwave popcorn workers who lost their lungs, same stuff.

    Some of the vape devices are capable of huge clouds of vapor, used for smoke ring competitions.

    I still love my ego c20’s – a low cost, small cloud device. Unlike a cigarette, it’s easier to take 1 puff and stop. Taking one puff gives a smaller dose of nicotine, which means the craving for the next dose is much smaller.

    If you quit cigarettes and use a small glass pipe you can do the tiny dose thing, too – it makes the habit much more manageable. The glass pipe can be cleaned with a hot water soak (monthly?), no pipe cleaners to MESS with. Use one of those ‘one hitters’ that look like a cigarette for use in public?


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