Various Bodycam Videos Released By Chicago Police Document Shooting Incident – IOTW Report

Various Bodycam Videos Released By Chicago Police Document Shooting Incident

A guy who stole a car was being pursued by the police. As he plowed through a roadblock the cops shot at him. After a head-on collision with a cruiser, the guy bolts from the car followed by at least a dozen cops in foot pursuit, following him into people’s backyards.

The perp ends up shot in the back. The cops are amped up, calling him a motherf@cker as he lays dying. One guy asks, “why the hell did you shoot at us?”One cop arriving gives a fist bump to one of the cops that fired on the fleeing guy.

But as time passes they begin to wonder if they were actually fired upon at all.

The footage shows the cops all trying to convince each other that it was a good shoot.

The guy who shot him in the back desperately searches the grounds for shell casings. They look in the shrubs and a vegetable garden for the gun.

As the search reveals nothing he says, “the way things are going I’m going to be crucified.”

It’s a compelling arc and shows what the police go through, how a fist bump slowly turns into pitiful stares from other cops who know the shooter is screwed.

Interesting footage HERE.


23 Comments on Various Bodycam Videos Released By Chicago Police Document Shooting Incident

  1. Sac County Sherrifs are required to qualify 3 times a year with 3 mags each qualification. That’s 46 rounds per with one in the chamber on the first mag. I shoot that times 3 three weeks out of the month. Lots to be learned. However if you don’t want to be shot by a cop don’t be a dick hood. Hopefully this cop get off. As a rule cops like going home at night to their families.

  2. My thoughts:
    It does show you the intensity in real time.
    A car is a lethal weapon.
    Gunfire form other cops will definitely heighten the senses.
    I thought their radio said shots were fired by the perp.
    If some other hood rat found the gun, no way they turn it over.

    I didn’t see the actual shoot.
    Was that on a body-cam they released?

  3. He was late for his college classes and was only trying to get to school. He was turning his life around. He was a good dad to all his kids. I’m so sick of these stories I can’t get myself to be concerned about these full time thugs.

  4. ONLY in Barky’s corrupted America is it normal and ok to steal cars, to run roadblocks, to wreck the stolen cars into police cars, to flee cops with drawn guns, ignoring warnings to stop, and then wonder why the fcuk you got shot….and THEN to have the BLM con artists start lobbying for your release and punishment of the “offending” cops… will it stop when they kill each other off? One can only hope so.

  5. I heard his lawyer wailing about how this was the most horrible thing he’d ever seen in his entire life-then he topped off with calling the cop a murderer.

    Can anyone say payday?

    I can see the sugarplums dancing now-weaves and new rims, here we come.

  6. The news story I heard didn’t mention the stolen car bit until after they said the kid died on the way to the hospital.

    The news is definitely slanted on this one.

    Kid steals car, gets himself killed while fleeing police. I don’t know. This is a though one. Then again, we have those pesky rules of engagement.

  7. “It looked to me like he tried to run over the officer. A car is a lethal weapon, the officer was justified in defending himself. ”

    Yeah, in that moment. Chasing him down and shooting him in the back? Not so much. It’s not defense at that point.

    Same as if a burglar comes into your home. You can shoot him there, but chasing him down the alley and putting rounds into him is not OK.

    Old Texas adage: If you have to shoot someone on your property, make sure you drag him into the house before calling the police.

  8. @Dadof4: I discussed that old adage many years ago with a Texas cop, and he told me that it wasn’t really about where the body winds up, it’s whether or not you were justified in the shooting (i.e., were you sufficiently in fear of your life?).

    He gave me an example: Someone walks into your house unarmed. You pick up your gun and shoot him dead. If you’re a healthy, able-bodied adult male, you’re going to have a lot of ‘splainin to do, Lucy. However, if you’re an 85-year you widow woman living alone, it’s case closed, sorry he upset you, ma’am, have a nice day.


  9. Cops have a hard job. We don’t pay them enough, and they put their lives on the line every day. With that said, I think this cop shot the bad guy when he was driving away (cop wasn’t in fear for his life at that moment). If that’s the case, it will be a problem. I doubt that will cheer up the bad guy very much.

    In my CC class, the following ‘shoot/don’t shoot’ scenarios. What would you do?
    (Answers posted separately)
    1) You are walking down a dark street. You see two bad guys raping a girl.
    2) Same scenario – and they are holding a gun to her head.
    3) You’re alone in the house, asleep in bed. Something awakens you. You investigate, and find a stranger has entered your home.
    4) Same scenario. What awakens you is the sound of a door/window being forced open or broken.
    5) You surprise the intruder. He has a weapon, puts his hands up, holding the weapon.
    6) He ignores your command to drop the weapon, or put his hands up, and instead runs for the door to flee.
    7) You’re in a bar. You are 5’2″, and 120 lbs soaking wet. A drunk guy, 6’4″, 250 lbs thinks you’re checking out his wife and causes a scene. The bar kicks you both out, and he wants to settle thing in the parking lot.
    8) His three buddies won’t let you avoid the fight.

    I’ll post answers separately. Different states have different laws on these, and my state seems to favor the bad guy.

  10. Answers:

    1) Don’t shoot. Call the cops, be ready to engage if they become a threat to you. You are not in fear for your own life.
    2) Same.
    3) Don’t shoot. Call the cops and be ready to engage.
    4) Still don’t shoot. Why? It could be a neighbor with Alzheimer’s, or an unarmed drunk coming home to the wrong house.
    5) Don’t shoot. Aim and be ready, and repeat command to drop the weapon. How many minutes can you hold your weapon drawn? Serious question.
    6) Don’t shoot. Your life is no longer in danger.
    7) Don’t shoot. By the way, WTF are you doing carrying while drinking in a bar? Not legal in this state.
    8) You may have no alternative. You can’t flee, and your life is in danger, so once he’s beaten you nearly into a coma you are legally justified to use deadly force. Slight sarcasm on this last answer, but it’s not too far off. Bad guys are getting lawyered up, and suing their victims now. Know your state’s laws, whether they make sense or not.

  11. Stealing a car is not far from stealing a horse. That’s my transportation to get to work to make a living. It’s not my fault you’re a loser without the sense to find legal work. But if you steal mine, I’m got make sure your ass is in a body cast or bag. Zero F’s Given. LEO Lives Matter, but losers don’t!

  12. Of course, Vietvet. The adage does not contradict that.

    First, it’s only humor, but is a nod to the body being in the house is just the best place to start from on defense. Juries tend to not like home invaders by default.

    If one wants to be informed as best possible about self defense laws, I recommend this guy’s book – The Law of Self Defense 3rd edition.

    He even gives seminars on the subject tailored to the individual state’s laws they are presented in.

    I find his twitter feed can get interesting when lame anti-gunners come along.

  13. @Dadof4: I only commented because a lot of people do not realize the adage is humor, and think that they can shoot someone and they will be off the hook as long as the perp is on their property. As you know, it’s not quite that simple.

    P.S. – Should be “85-year old widow woman”, not “85-year you widow woman”. Verdammten lack of edit…

  14. Boehnerdict Ryan Arnold,

    Yeah, some states seem more criminal friendly than others. For sure.

    But it’s not just a joke to say you’d rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

    Jury is more powerful than any law written.

    Jury nullification.

    Of course, you have to make your case to them successfully.

    Never skip jury duty. It’s the most powerful thing the average citizen can do. Sure, most cases are small and boring, but it’s still up to you what the justice is.

    It’s the one place where you can actually do something about: “Well, if it was up to me, I would let him go. That’s a bad law!”

    Was jury foreman a while back and we awarded the complainant double what they asked for – even had to ratchet it back several hundred thousand from a ridiculous amount.

    They defendant was a security company that didn’t care to check the backgrounds of their hires and ended up with a convicted car thief as night security at a dealership.

    Hell yeah he stole a car within the first two weeks. What else would you expect?

    I understood what was required of them because my biz has the exact same rules/requirements for working in it. Pissed me off to see the blatant disregard that endangered the public. We wanted to send a message to all security firms that this is what happens when you value money over everything else.

  15. “P.S. – Should be…”

    Funny thing, I think most of us read right past the typos unless it changes the meaning enough to point it out. Funny or otherwise.

    Never noticed yours. Your point wasn’t lost.

  16. Boehnerdict Ryan Arnold
    What state do you live in. Your scenarios and answers sound just like Cali. However Cali does have a Penal Code that says CCW’s can use their weapon to stop a felony or to stop someone from fleeing the scene of a felony. However I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be the guy to test those Penal Codes in court.

    Cali’s penal codes regarding ccw’s, for he most part, have gotten better over the years. The home intruder scenario has gotten a lot better drive by actual cases. They now interpret a shot like that as the intruder “was not suppose to be there”. No more well hey, the door was unlocked bull shit.
    Cali’s penal codes now center around imminent threat to life.
    Not just yours. Having said all that my gun will never be pulled unless it’s the final option.

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