Vegan Employee Asks Her Colleague To Eat Hamburger Outside – IOTW Report

Vegan Employee Asks Her Colleague To Eat Hamburger Outside


A Reddit user asked the online community how to feel about the fact that a fellow colleague who’s vegan asked them to eat a hamburger outside.

Carla is a vegan and although she does tell everyone she’s a vegan, they have worked together for several years and it has never come across as her being pushy about veganism.

Although one day in the break room, when she noticed her coworker coming back from a fast food burger place with the purchased lunch, Carla suggested that they eat it outside despite the fact that they live in a cold and snowy state.


How is this even up for debate?

Vegans are in the vast minority, and they have chosen this path. The break room is for people to eat lunch in. The majority of people eat meat.

If you don’t like the smell, leave.

I would love to see what this self-centered narcissist asshole would do if a racial minority person was eating ethnic meat. In their goofy world, saying a smell of their traditional food made you nauseated would make you a racist, no?

51 Comments on Vegan Employee Asks Her Colleague To Eat Hamburger Outside

  1. I haven’t had meat in 37 years, but I don’t have to be an ass about it. The fact is, I still love the smell of meat. Miss Vegan needs to put on her big girl panties and realize that the world doesn’t revolve around her.

  2. Vegans avoid eating cochineal (bug) colored food, because bugs are creatures, too. But, butt, what do they do about cockroaches in their homes? Worship them? It is past time to start using Alinsky’s, “Rules,” against all manner of tard.

  3. I view Carla’s request to eat my big, fat, greasy burger outside with as much interest as when it’s suggested not to eat in front of a Muslim co-worker during Ramadan.

  4. I love how vegans will wear wool claiming its ok because they only shear the sheep and their wool grows back.

    What they fail to mention is Australia produces about 90 per cent of the world’s apparel wool. And every year they cull (kill) tens of hundreds. of thousands, if not millions of kangaroos & wallabys to keep grasslands open for grazing by both sheep and cattle.
    Put that in your vegan peace pipe and smoke it lol

  5. Someone please explain to Carla how her “vegan” grains are produced, including all the insecticide that is applied to kill millions of insects that would ravage her next meal before it ever left the field. Also, the thousands of insects and small animals that are killed by the farm equipment as the land is tilled, planted and harvested. I’ve seen the result of a fawn getting chopped up by a combine. It’s not pretty.

  6. My response is “Tomorrow is bacon day”
    Bacon in the microwave at 10:15 break.
    BLT at lunch
    Bacon at 2:30 break
    and a homemade necklace with a dried sausage on Fashion Friday.

  7. “she said I was mean to do that and I should compromise”

    No mention of her manning the fuck up and learning to accomodate other people herself, I notice.

  8. Typical case of they know they like it, they know they’re wrong, so in order to convince themselves that they are right they resort to twisting other people’s arms to force their beliefs onto them!
    Dropkick these stupid jackasses thru the goalposts of life!!

  9. I don’t feel the least bit obligated to show any consideration for anyone’s self inflicted eating disorder or other self inflicted pathologies. It’s not my Goddamned problem. In 90% of the cases they are nothing but how their pathological desire to control others manifests. I have no sympathy whatsoever, pity is a trap, the best thing to do is ignore them. Fuck the losers, they are manipulating, controlling shits and not worthy of anything but indifference.

    Me in college when out with friends:
    We can’t go to that restaurant, so and so doesn’t eat meat.
    JDHasty’s response – Whatever, the rest of us do and they had an obligation to have planned ahead and since they knew they had imposed upon themself that restriction they had the opportunity to put a granola bar in their purse. They (usually she) is not going to exercise unilateral veto power until they get to be the one who chooses for the group where we have a meal.

  10. The first response was the best, eat it in front of their face and MAKE THEM LEAVE. Betcha the vegan was wearing something made from an animal. They pulled that $hit on me at an environmental enbgineering firm. I told them when they take their leather shoes and belt off, I’ll take what they have to say seriously. That was 20 years ago, I wonder how many of them are still riding a bike to work and have been killed in the process?

  11. One more thing, that *unt is the type that would take her complaint to HR. HR (if I were still in HR), I would tell her that the break room is for everyone. If meat offends you, don’t go in there. Furthermore, I would ask, “do you shop at only vegan stores, because you will be hard pressed to find something to eat at a regular supermarket.” One more comment that would probably get me fired: “The world doesn’t circle around you, nor does the world care that you are a vegan.”

  12. While your Veganism is offended by the eating habits of your co workers, have you given a thought to how offended, if not sickened, they are by your Vegan preaching? Of course you haven’t. No one’s beliefs or wants matter but yours. You are a meatless Karen of the highest order. A universal pain in the ass to the entire population. Be a vegan, but be quiet. And mind your own damned business.

  13. Some day, I’ll be back to tell plenty of fun stories about working in the industry for vegan shit. Just beginning to make my exit from the arena, once I’m out for good, I won’t have to hold my tongue quite so much 🙂 20+ years in the game, I’ve seen/heard enough to make most people want to give up on life for what I’ve dealt with.

    One funny one that has been ongoing –

    Vegans have ALWAYS been opposed to animal testing in every case. Literally, for decades, they wouldn’t touch anything that had any connection to so much as being put out by a company who did animal testing in another branch of the parent corporation. Fast forward to 2018, a company called JUST puts out their egg alternative, just about the time that the Impossible Burger comes out and can’t be avoided soon afterward via Burger King commercials and other garbage media. What’s the issue with these items? Well, BOTH have an ingredient that each company willingly submitted for animal testing! And now, as time goes on, vegans have slowly folded from “NO ANIMAL TESTING EVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE!” to “Well, if it helps make something that will reduce people from consuming meat/eggs more in the future, we can turn the other cheek!”. And just like that, the same people who detested anything cruel to animals and vowed not to support any such company now throw their money at these brands as fast as they can so they can keep eating garbage products with 20 ingredients that in no way are as natural or beneficial for you as their vegan counterparts that also cost 50-100% more.

    So, if any of you know vegans and they talk about eating either of these items, you can certainly let them know that they’re directly supporting the same animal cruelty that vegan ethics says should never be supported under any circumstances, making them have to face their hypocrisy head-on with a massive slap to the face.

  14. @Fart Burr – You never cease to amaze me at the truly off-the-wall bizarre comments that you make.

    According to Snopes: FART RAPE: HOW CRAZY ARE FEMINISTS?

    “By farting louder the man is using passive aggressive violence to position himself as dominant, this intimidates the woman to subconsciously not release as much flatulence and thus the woman fearing for her safety doesn’t fart as loud as a sign of submissiveness, this in turn contributes to rape culture and women being oppressed.”

    Now, how you connect this to Veganism, I don’t know. Others smarter than me will enlighten me, I’m sure.

  15. to HELL with Veejuns. Yep, I refuse to use their pronunciation. I say VEE-JUNN and watch them shudder. Then I tell ’em that right there in the Bible it says that God told Man to take dominion over all the animals and eat them.

    It pisses off the Veejuns and it exposes the anti-God devil-worshippers.

  16. I knew a lady who was a vegan. I didn’t know that when we first met but it made sense later. I always wondered where that BUNRT VEGETABLE SOUP smell came from! I don’t begrudge anyone for what they WILL or WON’T eat, but don’t expect ME to cater to your whims when you are so quick to dismiss mine!

  17. The fudge’ you blaming me for? Fart Rape is a Canadian idea and law, brought to our attention by Kcir.

    Go blow his ass up. I’m just the messenger. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to get back to my broccoli and lentil soup with a side of slim jims….I’m goin’ to war with a buddy of mine.

  18. My apologies – like I said, sometimes I need to be enlightened, although I’m still no more enlightened as to your connection to veganism than I was before you re-directed me to Kcir. Maybe he’ll weigh in and set me straight.

  19. Stirrin’, if some simpering vegan asked you to eat outside in a snowbank, what would you do?

    Again, the answer is obvious to me and apparently, most of Canada since they had to create a law to address this.

    You lean slightly to one side and let loose a carnivorous ripper worthy of Andre the Giant.

    And as for “off the wall and/or bizarre statements”.

    I’m one of the funniest people on the planet. I guess Jesus was right, “do not cast pearls before swine.”

    THIS WHOLE SITE USED TO BE FULL OF FUNNY, EDGY PEOPLE. Hell, I wasn’t even the most vibrant or controversial poster. The problem, as I see it, is that I haven’t changed. The readership has.

    Sorry people, but as one the original cast members at this here Mickey Mouse club, I occasionally talk ish’ to Roy before heading out to hang with Spin and Marty.

    have a good week.

  20. Burr, I’ll grant you that you are edgy. Funny? Well that is in the eye of the beholder. I like to think that I’m pretty funny too, but I guess you and I think on different planes – not that there’s anything wrong with yours, or mine for that matter. You clearly have a large following. Maybe one day I’ll reach your level…or not. Whatever.

  21. Come on A A Ron. You gotta let this go. Like pouring water on a ducks back. But then again, why would you pour water on a duck? I’ve never seen a dirty duck. They keep themselves mighty clean. Never mind.

  22. “You gotta let this go.”

    Hard to do that. This place is the last man standing. Now, I know we all went through some ish’ pre-Trump. MY website got taken down, I picked up a stalker, got death threats and all that. THIS place was supposed to stand tall. The way I figure it, blowback put the brakes on IOTW a lil’ bit. While my site got blown up.

    I just figured this place, which continued to rise and rise in the internet rankings, would bounce back.

    Where is everybody? What happened to the ArtCrap? Why aren’t we pissing off the squares anymore?

    I miss making waves and upsetting the apple cart.

    Also, smiting. Big fan of that. Sorry we didn’t keep that up.

    In closing let me point out that I have no following. I have no social media….although I think I have a gab account. I have no website, I barely sell offensive merchandise. It was never about me or the E.C. brand or Aaron Burr. It was about us. A pack of scurvy dogs let loose on the high seas of politics laying waste to lefties and stupidity.

    Why would I let that go?


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