Vegas Man Shot 14 Times Outside a Vegas Gun Range – IOTW Report

Vegas Man Shot 14 Times Outside a Vegas Gun Range

Las Vegas — Officers were called at 11:59 a.m. last Weds to The Range 702, at 5999 Dean Martin Drive, after an employee reported that a man had been caught rifling through a customer’s bag during a break from a concealed carry permit course . Range employees escorted the man, Marvin Payton Jr, 27 outside to await the police.

Seconds after police pulled up, the man attacked a female officer, striking her twice with a screwdriver. Most everyone on the scene then shot Payton 14 times.

Finish reading and watch video here.

Ok, if I were to score this ‘essay’, it would receive a 3 on a 6 point scale. That would be equivalent to a D.

Most everyone on the scene then shot Payton 14 times.

If there were 4 shooters, the man would have been shot 56 times.

I hope this was not an actual ‘journalist’ who wrote this. Sigh.

Oh, and I believe this man is probably dead.

h/t Anymouse: “The perp won a “TOE TAG””

53 Comments on Vegas Man Shot 14 Times Outside a Vegas Gun Range

  1. Kinda reminds me of a SAS t-shirt I almost bought years ago. Picture of two troopers on the front, with the caption: Sgt. Major – Trooper, why’d you shoot that terrorist 14 times. Trooper – I ran out of ammunition Sir! ;^)

  2. Yes, perp’s dead all right. The account I read said that the cop who wasn’t attacked shot the perp nine times, and the other five shots were from people in the class.

    The cop who was screw driven stabbed in the face suffered lacerations and one fractured facial bone. I sure do hope the docs fix her up properly and w/out scars.

  3. Vegas Man Shot 14 Times Outside a Vegas Gun Range

    what were the odds of THAT happening. It was in the cards. He took a chance and rolled the dice….

    Yes, I wrote all that and still hold my head up high.

  4. …hmm, this actually sounds a little familiar…

    …oh yeah. This….

    “1990 – A robber entered the H&J Leather and Firearms store in Texas, fired shots in the air and announced his intentions. The establishment was full of customers, including a policeman, all of whom were armed, as was the clerk. The autopsy revealed 23 gun wounds from seven different firearms.”

    …there’s a fine line between stupid criminal and suicide by cop.

    …these may cross it…

  5. We had a wholesale account with a leather goods and gun shop in Federal Way WA back in the 90’s

    Perp walks in with foam ear plugs in his ears sporting a Bersa 380 announces a stickup. Fires off a shot at the proprietor that missed and cop that was off to the side having coffee and a donut returns fire, one shot that missed the mark, with Glock 17 that he limp wristed and it failed to cycle.

    Proprietor was a local reactive target shooter and damn good shot. Draws his Delta Elite and puts two shots through the perp’s heart about an inch and a half apart. Bullets exit, go through the glass door and break the windshield out if a SUV parked there.

    Perp was dead before he hit the floor.

  6. With the price of ammo these days…..I dunno’….. was it worth 14 bucks to shoot this guy? 2 or 3 bucks would have done the job.

    Damn. Kinda figure I’d wait in the operating theater to get em’ back.

    “No…no…none of those 9mms are mine…. look for three loafs of bread, those are my .357s.”

  7. The “journalists” responsible for this screwed up article, obviously must be more focused on their efforts on how to tear down historical statues, set up autonomous zones, yell at, beat up and throw poop at conservatives, support defunding police depts., create racist organizations – ie.BLM, social distance and wear masks for a fake pandemic, etc.

    Consequently, all those anti-social, traitous activities leave little room to concentrate on writing a decent news story. That requires having command of spelling and grammar rules which these “journalists” could care less about.

  8. Late to the party and I have many questions…

    Yes he should get a Darwin Award, but there’s other considerations.

    Will Blessed Payton be elevated and soon canonized? Believe there wasn’t enough gorilla glue to plug the holes and save him so now his family is on Face Plant reacting to this terrible racist event. (Not sure if the Go-Fund-Me page has been set up yet.)

    Will there soon be “Peaceful Protests” scheduled? Where do we sign up to get in on the participation pay checks?

    This is all the police’s fault as the fact is that they answered the call. If they hadn’t shown up to arrest his ass he wouldn’t have had to attack them with the screw driver!!!

    Was this simply a matter of using the wrong tool? Would the female officer have responded in a better fashion had he attacked her with a slotted screw driver instead of thrusting and stabbing with the pointy Phillip’s driver?

    I could go on but as you see I seem to be getting off track and perhaps straying into inappropriate territory.
    …”Payton had a violent history with police including charges of attempted murder, attempted robbery of a firearm and assault on a protected person”… Whatever the hell that means.

    I think the sleuths here at IOTW should get on this and report back all the APPROPRIATE details that seem to be missing…

    Followed by my reporting the the IOTW HR Department for re-training in Sexual harassment and other inappropriate behavior and trouble-sum comments here.

    Trying hard to imitate my hero ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS and failing miserably…

    FEBRUARY 13, 2021 AT 5:27 PM
    “That’s NEVER BRING A SCREWDRIVER to a Gun Fight!”

    …true story, I’m alive today because I lived that advice.

    …let me explain…

    …my relatively new wife and I had just moved into our first house, and her being a woman, of COURSE we had to change it immediately. To that end, we had acquired buckets of paint which were in our new soon-to-be bedroom, but it seemed we lacked a means of opening them. To solve that issue, I left her happily contemplating roller girths while I exited the structure downstairs and to the front of the building on the sunniest of days, to retrieve a screwdriver from my vehicles toolbox.

    Having successfully completed part A of my mission, I withdrew from my trunk; and, althogh I had been vaguely aware of multiple sirens in my new neighborhood, I was nonetheless taken aback to see a police car from a neighboring town, lights ablaze, stopped hard by the stop sign near my car, with the crew cut stocky White uniformed occupant thereof staring down my similarly White, but nowhere near as stocky, ass real HARD.

    Now I was only recently separated from my fire service at this point, where I was accustomed to think of police as allies, but his glare raised the old atavastic fears one learns as a teenager when the gaze of Authority falls upon us, so, holding the forgotten screwdriver in my hand, I nodded in a colleagual, if somewhat stiff with nascent fear, gesture to my still-silent but increasingly, inexplicably thundery-looking guardian of the streets new blue-clad friend, and turned to go about my business, walking up the front walk like I had every right to, which I did.

    Behind me came the swift *chunk* of a car door being operated, followed by swift, leathery-sounding motion. Before I could turn, however, I received the dread order STOP! DO NOT TURN AROUND! Various metallic noises seemed to suggest that compliance would be an excellent idea, as did the sound of multiple other sirens that apparently has my fresh dwelling as their locus, so I did exactly that.

    PUT THE SCREWDRIVER DOWN BESIDE YOU IMMEDIATELY! the voice of swiftly available retribution further commanded. I had forgotten I held same, what with the apparent threat of Death inexplicably behind me but…and here’s where the difference maker between I and the nightly news crowd was…I did EXACLY that.

    WALK BACKWARDS TOWARDS MY VOICE! ordered my unseen companion, who judging from the sound now had quite a police convention forming up around him.

    So back I went, glacing up first at the still-vacant upper window of my home where my bride was evidently oblivious to my travails, and then glancing at my new neighbors who had come out to see the show who were definitely NOT.

    I was then treated to being cuffed with a most unpleasant variety of cuff, which was close-set circlets of steel held together with a hinge instead of the traditional chains, then turned to face an old Macy’s parades worth of representatives of law enforcement from most of the surrounding communities, with still not an inkling as to why I was in such demand to be the next centerfold in The Police Gazette.

    My original stern friend from the intersection then formally introduced himself and demanded I do the same, which I did, then he demanded I authenticate my end by directing him to my wallet, which he removed awkwardly from my hip pocket. Happily I had recently changed my ID to reflect my current residence, so he then realized I was supposed to be there and maybe felt his still-unknown to ME case begin to crumble.

    Before I could trade on our newly made acquaintance by asking even basic “what the hell” questions, yet ANOTHER car pulled up, this one with a visibly uncuffed civilian riding shotgun, who then made the befuddling statement “No, he’s too old”, which seemed to let most of the truculence out of my shielded companion, who nonetheless seemed to try to revive hope for his dissipated suspicions by saying “look again, are you SURE?”

    The person, who seemed herself upset for reasons I could not fathom, annoyed annoyedly repeated, no, he’s too old!

    And with that, THAT car, and most of the convention, then seemed to break up.

    My officer was almost Chinese Eyed with residual suspicion and disappointment, then reluctantly told me, ” you fit the description to a T”.

    Then one of his wingmen finally let me in on the joke. Seems a jewelry store had been robbed a bit down the road by a tall, ugly, dark haired and somewhat curly headed lad who decamped at high speed in the general direction of meward, and my boon companion in his haste to solve the case happened by just as I was exiting my trunk, and you know the rest.

    Except for the part about the lady in the cop car. Seems she was the robbee, so they brought her to my impromptu lineup of one, where happily she didn’t confuse me with my criminal doppelgänger, which was the only reason I didn’t end the day getting an anal inspection at the local intake.

    About this time, while relived, I was still alarmed because I was having this conversation with both hands still cuffed painfully behind my back. I questioned this in the light of my apparently exonerative display, so my Crewcut Cop then savagely removed them, leaving me to scurry back to my hole while Hill Street Blues exited my lawn and my neighbors got a months worth of gossip.

    I went in to my wife, who remained oblivious throughout, althogh she DID notice it was taking a long time to go out to the curb. She wouldn’t have believed me either, had we not been able to walk over to the window as the rump of the Blue Blood cast, my boon companion noticeably in their van, finally found other streets to prowl.

    I never did find out if they found the actual guy.

    I was just glad I didn’t get the full Kafka treatment.

    …but there I was, holding a screwdriver while a cop was holding a gun.

    But I did what I was told to do, as opposed to charging the nearest police officer with it.

    ..see what a difference that makes?

    …now extend that to ALL the “police shootings”, and I think we’d be in a different place if ALL the “Say My Names” had followed my example…

    ..even though I am White, I was 100%, morally convinced that guy would have dropped me where I stood if I did anything else.

    …and that’s WHY I didn’t do anything else.

    …seems like, we’re I Black and truly believed cops WANTED to shoot me, that I’d work even HARDER to ensure they had no excuse to do so…

  10. “This is all the police’s fault as the fact is that they answered the call.”

    I’m blaming the guy at the beginning of the vid. He saw Payton in his bag and instead of “THE FUCK YOU DOIN’ IN MY SHIT!!? THUMP! BAM! POW!” He backs off with his hands raised and looks for teacher to sort this out. Bitch.

    Then, Payton walks out. Planning on just strolling away since no one had the balls to do anything, much less take a class roll call to check to see if someone just rolled in off the street looking for easy gunz to steal. Double bitch.

    So I blame the civilians. Not one useful psychopath in the bunch.

    Next, “Was this simply a matter of using the wrong tool?”

    Hell yeah, muh nigga’ should have used his brains instead.

    Finally, “assault on a protected person” means he jumped some cho-mo (child molester) in the protective custody wing of a prison.

    In closing, I think we should all say a prayer for the fine David Puddy style jacket Payton was sporting. Not as dope as a man fur, but stylish, none the less.

    Oh…and always use a Phillips head, the flathead wont penetrate ribs if it’s held at the wrong angle.

  11. I knew there’s an SNS story here somehow.

    And he refuses to write the book that everyone here would buy…

    And back to our previously scheduled story…

    One cop and three civilians firing. Fourteen hits, but how many misses into the things surrounding our Mensa Member?

    If there were NO MISSES I’m impressed.

  12. Anymouse
    FEBRUARY 13, 2021 AT 7:02 PM
    “I knew there’s an SNS story here somehow.

    And he refuses to write the book that everyone here would buy…”

    …and that’s partly on BFH. MJA once offered to round up all my maunderings off the site so I wouldn’t have to rewrite everything, but she needed my email for which I needed BFH as a relay, but because of the hundreds of requests he gets from all us bitchers,or maybe just because he thought it was a stupid idea, the story ended there…

  13. He’ll catch up with his mail, Supes. Hell, one time I wrote him 10 years ago and he wrote back “Just finished reading the first sentence of your email”

    Can’t wait for him to eventually get to the second sentence. If I remember correctly, it was a real corker.

  14. SNS,

    Have whined about the fact that there’s no “Contact Info” for MJA on the “Contact Page.” And the fact that I don’t do the social media BS doesn’t help for the rest of the crew…

    Perhaps it’s my breath…

  15. Back in the day I sold one of the Delta Elites in 10MM from Springfield’s custom shop. Had none in stock to ship, but did have the one that they had just finished going over in the custom shop and they shipped that instead. Surprising to me it ran extremely well and and was accurate. Customer was very happy with it.

    Sometimes you get lucky.

  16. @SNS

    I got pulled over with a gun drawn on me once near my office with a girlfriend in the car. (1990’s) Copper was alone, it was dark and he had no backup. I guess that’s why he had the .38 pea shooter out.

    Fist thing I did was turn on the interior lights and keep my hands on the wheel. He asked the girl if she was alright and she said yes. Asked me why I was in an industrial area at night. I said my office is 100 yards away.

    5 min latter, license, insurance and ownership by company located 100 yards away returned with a “have a good night we are looking for someone…”

    I did not get any that night, but as you are saying, Just follow instructions perfectly and you will be OK.

  17. Wait, Delta Elite was manufactured by Colt was it not?

    Back to the video. Par for the course. The Fuz does a partial mag dump, the CCW guys put shots on target. Why? Because they are better trained.

  18. I dunno, Brad. Pretty sure you would have slammed the guys face into the desk before picking him up over your head and stuffing him head first into a trash can.

    My only niggling point is that that’s all these guys know how to do? Shoot? That’s where we’re at now? No fists,no trash talking…just POW!POW!POW!.

    Kinda’ takes the fun out of it.

  19. Just look at the beginning of the video.

    Some guys’ going through your gun bag.

    Not just you, (although it’s funny to picture a giant gym rat rolling up on the guy…) but would anybody step back and raise hands like, “my bad”.

    Gun bag. Some guy not you going through it.

    I see red just typing it. In my opinion, that’s when it all went downhill. Would have rather seen Payton get stomped out than anybody get shot by super expensive bullets.

    But I’m just an old softy.

  20. Delta Elite is a 1911 based 10mm Auto pistol and a hell of a good one. We had a Colt Double Eagle in10mm and that was a great pistol too. I had Smith 1066 in 10mm I sold to an ex girlfriend and that was an outstanding pistol as well. She could shoot too.

    As far as the 10mm Auto is concerned, I have had nothing but very positive experiences with it. It’s been a while since I have used it though. You have to be able to handle it though.

  21. Most women police officers shoot first, ask questions later. Wondering why they are so motivated? Fear.

    Probably why the female officer went at it, trying to prove she can get the job done – even though she was scared witless.

    Women officers know if they are overtaken by a perp, it might be all over. Women just don’t have enough upper body strength to subdue a lunatic.

    Women also know instinctively, a small man can injure an average size woman with no effort.

    Time for these social engineering police department admins. to stop denying the physical and psychological differences between male and female officers.

  22. Brad FEBRUARY 13, 2021 AT 8:31 PM

    Yep! Brain fart. But the pistol I sold did come from Springfield and I can’t think of their named version at the moment. Had to be around twenty-five years ago that I turned in my license when Reno was making a name for herself. So the sale was prior to that… Maybe late eighties.

    I still like my 41AE’s for the ability to run that or the 9mm.

  23. Charlie WalksonWater
    FEBRUARY 13, 2021 AT 11:22 PM
    “It was a shooting range so they shot him. If it was a knifing range they woulda knifed him to death”

    …one of the shooting ranges I go to actually has archery lanes, too.

    …THAT could have been interesting….


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