Vegas Shooter, Women, and ISIS? – IOTW Report

Vegas Shooter, Women, and ISIS?


Vegas Shooting Police Files Show 3 Women Were in Stephen Paddock’s Room, Wife had ISIS ‘Friends’.

Recent documents released regarding the October 1, 2017 Las Vegas shooting are beginning to shed light on more discrepancies and abnormalities surrounding the official timeline and narrative of the tragedy as originally stated by Sheriff Joe Lombardo and Special Agent Aaron Rouse of the Las Vegas FBI.

The documents also indicate three women were found in the alleged shooter’s room.


In an additional bombshell revelation, LVMPD dispatch logs show documentation of ISIS activity on the Facebook page of one of Danley’s ‘friends.’

Those dispatch logs show that the night of the Las Vegas shooting, LVMPD knew that Danley had followers on Facebook who showed ISIS “beheading videos” on their Facebook pages. While independent journalists were first to report that Danley deleted her Facebook page immediately following the Las Vegas shooting, it was later confirmed in January of 2018 when police search warrants were releasedREAD  MORE


10 Comments on Vegas Shooter, Women, and ISIS?

  1. Seems that the FBI’s only function these days is to engineer coverups. They don’t solve crimes. They create an environment where al we are left to do is speculate and hatch conspiracy theories, which are often more believable than official explanations

  2. Eventually, we’ll also find out that there were, in fact, multiple shooters. This massacre must have really pulled resources away from the FBI’s main job at the Deep State.

  3. Meanwhile, back at the Publix “Die-In”, today’s dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, COEXIST bumper-sticker, Leftist Liberal morons, wandering aimlessly around in the haze of Politically Correctness, would rather be knifed, shot, mutilated or run down by un-hinged iSlamonazis, raped and decapitated by MS13 Animals or nuked by a crazy NORK or a mad iRanian Caveman rather than concede that President Trump juuuuuuuust might be right…

    But hey thanks a pants load for the cover-up guys!
    That’ll go a looong way to solving our problems… Fookin Butthead “Investigators”

  4. Why is the shooter still referred to as “the alleged shooter”? And were the 3 women in his room during the shooting or in the days leading up to the shooting?
    And why did the Review Journal have to sue just to get this little bit of information.
    The LVMPD is protecting someone; the only logical conclusion ( lacking any evidence to the contrary) is it’s the Muslims.


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