Venezuela: Bakers are destabilizing the country – IOTW Report

Venezuela: Bakers are destabilizing the country

Ain’t Socialism a grand idea?

Miami Herald:

Facing a bread shortage that is spawning massive lines and souring the national mood, the Venezuelan government is responding this week by detaining bakers and seizing establishments.

In a press release, the National Superintendent for the Defense of Socioeconomic Rights said it had charged four people and temporarily seized two bakeries as the socialist administration accused bakers of being part of a broad “economic war” aimed at destabilizing the country.

In a statement, the government said the bakers had been selling underweight bread and were using price-regulated flour to illegally make specialty items, like sweet rolls and croissants.

The government said bakeries are only allowed to produce French bread and white loaves, or pan canilla, with government-imported flour. However, in a tweet on Thursday, price control czar William Contreras said only 90 percent of baked goods had to be price-controlled products.


SNIP: By all means, enjoy!  Keep voting in know-nothing socialist dictators. Keep pretending Capitalism is the devil.

If you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go outside and and share my Croissant with the neighborhood squirrel.
#Capitalism #Delicious #Bread4Days #Don’tVoteSocialist #Squirrel

12 Comments on Venezuela: Bakers are destabilizing the country

  1. If Obama had his way, this would be the fate for the United States.
    Obama was a Hugo Chavez wannabe, just four years later, and we have a pretty strong Constitution.

  2. What is it with bakers and proglodytes? In Venezuela they arrest them and seize their property for not adhering to the socialist line. In the US they fine them until they are broke for following their religious convictions. Bottom line, they are easy targets.

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