Venezuela Blames Climate Change after Its Troops Invade Colombia – IOTW Report

Venezuela Blames Climate Change after Its Troops Invade Colombia

PanAmPost: Venezuela tried to downplay its illegal entry of troops into Colombia this week by claiming the constantly changing direction of a river near the border accidentally led the soldiers beyond their jurisdiction.

Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez said the Venezuelan soldiers entered Colombia’s eastern department of Arauca as a result of the Arauca River, which she said is constantly changing its flow and direction.

A diplomatic commission still has to clarify the incident, which is reportedly expected in the coming hours.  read more

4 Comments on Venezuela Blames Climate Change after Its Troops Invade Colombia

  1. More proof (if any more was required) that the Anthropogenic Globaloney Warming scam is a statist political invention with NO basis in science.
    The perfect (for the ignorant masses) excuse for any foolishness or outrage the politicians choose.

    Morons line up over here, retards, over there …

    izlamo delenda est …

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