Venezuela: Maduro Hands over Power to Defense Minister – IOTW Report

Venezuela: Maduro Hands over Power to Defense Minister

Venezuela Takes yet another Step in the Direction of Castro’s Cuba as the Military Is Now in Charge of the Economy.

PAP: The Venezuelan power structure now resembles the Castros’ Cuba to an even greater degree than before. Due to Maduro’s creation of a new bureaucratic entity, the Great Mission for Sovereign and Safe Supply, every ministry in the country that deals with economic issues will be completely subordinated to General López’s authority.

López is now in charge of pharmacies, food, commercial distribution, and the management of the country’s ports. He will also oversee all “missions,” state-run social programs.  more

8 Comments on Venezuela: Maduro Hands over Power to Defense Minister

  1. “¡General! ¡General! ¡The rice farmers are not growing enough rice!”
    “¡Take one of them out and shoot him!”

    “¡General! ¡General! ¡The rice farmers are still not growing enough rice!”
    “¡Take one of them out and shoot him!”

    “¡General! ¡General! ¡The rice farmers are STILL not growing enough rice!”
    “¡Take one of them out and shoot him!”
    “¡But, General, there are no more rice farmers!”
    “¡Then take some of the hungry people out and shoot THEM!”

  2. No one could have ever predicted this development.

    How far does this go? What does it take to scrap Socialism in a country? A mass die-off at some point from starvation or rebellion?

  3. Venezuela used to be a great country. It had a vibrant, strong economy. Democratic (not the party) system of Gummint.

    Then Hugo Chavez and his National Socialist style of Socialist Gummint took over thru rigged elections and have run this country into the ground.

    Now Venezuela’s Gummint is just a leftist banana republic, beneath contempt. Totally despicable.

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