Venezuela: Maduro Raises Minimum Wage by 40 Percent – $2 a Month – IOTW Report

Venezuela: Maduro Raises Minimum Wage by 40 Percent – $2 a Month

AJR: In a shocking display of reality, Venezuela announced a minimum wage hike that amounts to little more than $2 a MONTH.

Warao poverty piece with Simon Romero

Nicolás Maduro Is the socialist dictator of Venezuela and he recently announced a 40 percent minimum wage hike that is equivalent to $2 a month. This pitiful increase only comes after what Maduro is calling an “economic war” started by the United States. Poverty in Venezuela has reached an alarming rate and the situation has everything to do with socialism and according to liberals America should have a more socialist government. Seriously?

Take a look at what a socialist government means for its citizens and ask yourself if that is what would be ‘best’ for America? more here

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