‘Venezuela on Steroids!’ Trump Hits Back Against House Dems for Overturning His Travel Bans – IOTW Report

‘Venezuela on Steroids!’ Trump Hits Back Against House Dems for Overturning His Travel Bans

PJMedia: Donald Trump tweeted out his disgust at House Democrats who passed the “No Ban Act” that specifically forbids presidents — present and future — from issuing a travel ban for any country, accusing the Dems of going “Stone Cold left — Venezuela on steroids!”

The Democrats in the House are trying to undo my big win Travel Ban Bill, which successfully keeps very bad and dangerous people out of our great Country. Passed along party lines. Hopefully, will be DEAD in the Senate! The Dems have gone Stone Cold Left – Venezuela on steroids!

Trump is right that the legislation has zero chance of passing the Senate. But its passage in the Democratic House serves as a potent reminder to voters how radical and extreme the Democratic Party is.

20 Comments on ‘Venezuela on Steroids!’ Trump Hits Back Against House Dems for Overturning His Travel Bans

  1. Another brilliant stroke by the foul tempered and delusional Nancy Pelosi. She’s willing to sink the ship just for the personal satisfaction of killing the captain.
    She’s becoming more and more unstable. Lets hope the next manifestation of her illness is self harm.

  2. I have given up my hope that Californians will oust Nancy. The best I can hope is a complete annihilation of their majority and some conservatives with enough stones to back President Trump

  3. The Democrats represent their voters, and their voters represent a very large part of the population.

    The relative percentages of the Republicans and Democrats in the House show the thinking of the majority of the American voting public, either Liberal or Conservative.

    Since the Democrats are unwilling to compromise and the Republicans are enthusiastically willing to bend over backwards to compromise it pretty much shows the direction our country will be taking in the future.

  4. “The Democrats represent their voters, and their voters represent a very large part of the population.”
    Wow, I had no idea. I guess that other very large part of the population doesn’t count.

  5. Gin – She’s willing to sink the ship just for the personal satisfaction of killing the captain.

    True that! Aaaaaaannnnnd get ready for the onslaught of their toadies in the Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media to tell us about the big Biden win regardless of the vote count on election night! They’re going to pull out all the stops!!

  6. @TRF

    I don’t mind saying I’m worried about November. These people have proven that they could care less about any past rules and laws.
    If Trump wins the volcano is going to erupt for a certainty!!

  7. We have witnessed a coup attempt by the FBI, CIA, and NSA – all conspiring with the DNC and Media.
    We have witnessed (are witnessing) the dissolution of our cities at the hands of countless “useless idiots” encouraged and assisted by their mayors, DAs, and governors.
    We have witnessed $Trillions of dollars distributed without rhyme or reason to the well-connected.
    We have witnessed hundreds of thousands of “teachers” paid NOT to “teach.”
    We have witnessed a lying and sycophantic media propound falsehood after falsehood, lie upon lie, outrage upon outrage, with complete impunity.
    We have witnessed thousands of businesses closed and shuttered because of a seasonal flu.
    We have witnessed thousands of other businesses burnt and despoiled by feral urban maggots.
    We are witnessing the total corruption of our electoral process – where a large portion of our ballots are to be subject to disposal by a gov’t employees’ union (APWU) which is predisposed towards totalitarianism/socialism/collectivism.

    The question is: How much do we tolerate?
    Another: When is enough, enough?

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. ” I guess that other very large part of the population doesn’t count.”

    It’s the part that runs things that counts, not the one that doesn’t.

  9. Years ago Rush Limbaugh said that Democrats are more interested in appearances than in actual results.
    He is still right.
    The Dhimmis knew this would be doa and that Trump would never sign it. It’s all about bullsh**.
    If the Democrats ever got everything they say they want, even they wouldn’t be safe.

  10. Scumbag Ds are already sowing the seeds of deceit over the stolen election by opining that DJT will refuse to step down if (supposedly) defeated.
    We all must vigilantly oppose any and all efforts to allow mail in voting.

  11. Since it’s Sunday it is a good time to remind us all that prayers against their evil are one our weapons.
    We have faith in Almighty God. They have their fallen great deciever.


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