COTR: The number of people attracted to socialism is scary. I can only conclude that they’ve never cracked open a history book, because there’s no way any sane person can support socialism.
Bernouts say socialism’s goal is to “achieve nationwide health, safety, and benefits through means that are right at the fingertips of this country’s own citizens.”
Nationwide health? Like Canada, where people with otherwise treatable illnesses are dying due to bed shortages? Safety? Like in North Korea? Where the people are SO SAFE that they can’t even leave their own country or else? Sounds like a good time.
Another witness chapter in the failed text of Socialism….true Commies like Bernie Sanders will never believe nor admit if they do believe , socialism is great until you run out of everyone else’s money you cannot steal, rob, or tax….when the pot is empty, no jobs, no housing, no food, no healthcare it is over…..gee well maybe Bernie plans to be dead by then so anything to get off, get a nut,….Hittlery is even farther Left…so she will hasten the fall of America to be certain..she had the Clinton Crime Syndicate and Cartel squirrel their treasures safely away where only she, Huma, Donna Shalala, and Chelsea, maybe Slick, but up for grabs on that one, can reach said funds… and she has the SS to protect her, even if she treats them like alley cats…
I suggest they adopt the UTZ…
The Underworld Time Zone – where time stands still.
For Eternity.
I have a suggestion about how best to save the nation, but although the probably have enough lamp posts there’s probably a shortage of rope.
And for his next act, Maduro will make everything disappear from store shelves! What…he’s already done that? O.k. – murder and violent crime will disappear from the streets! Uh…no, the situation is bad enough the government doesn’t even publish crime statistics anymore. I have it – the amazing, totally solid currency! Of course, solid in the sense that you can use it in place of the hard to find toilet paper – and it’s less expensive to boot.
This is a socialist country that managed to make oil profits disappear in a country with some of the largest reserves in the world. Venezuela is a socialist experiment alright – in the sense that if it is possible for socialism to fuck up something, it has proven it will. But, and this is important, the basic necessities of life are free! Of course, these basic necessities have all but disappeared – except in that evil capitalist institution known as the black market – but it’s free!
What is happening to Venezuela was entirely predictable since there are only dozens and dozens of historical examples in the recent past of these types of governments failing. What will happen is some sort of revolution, with Maduro (or his successor if Maduro is successful in fleeing the country) ending up in front of a wall.
Socialism is actually a sort of perverted type of feudalism, if we don’t make the comparison to stringent.
Those at the top, the Nomenklatura, and the one at the pinnacle, the Dictator, can be loosely understood as Aristocrats and the King. The opinions of the Nomenklatura must be accepted as Rules by the Proletarians, whereby the opinion of the Dictator is absolute Truth (or Law). All exist to “serve” the “whole” with the lion’s share going to the Dictator and his Nomenklatura and the leftovers, if there are any, to be divided amongst the Proles. The Proles live in shit conditions, stand in line for shitty food, and promote themselves by pimping out their family members, neighbors, and friends to the Nomenklatura for an extra crust of bread, or pat on the head.
The Nomenklatura “educate” the Proles to the extent of being able to parrot the Party lines and do what little “work” is available for drugged dullards. The Proles outside the Party, similarly to peasants untied to an Aristocrat, must do the actual work of growing, packaging, and distributing whatever goods and services the Dictator demands – and that is the worst situation to be in – no protection from a member of the Nomenklatura, no legal standing, slave wages, no access to the limited healthcare and social services, and no escape.
izlamo delenda est …
Great news! Who knew it could be that simple. What time zone can congress invent in order to save the United States?
CP time …
izlamo delenda est …
To save America every leftist with a Sanders or Clinton bumper sticker should have to spend 90 days in Venezuela so they can get a taste of what they’re trying to do to this country at the ballot box. Start with their teachers.
Don’t give obammer any more ideas….
Oh wait!!!
Well there you have it. The current administration and most of Congress are insane.