Vermont’s Republican governor approves assisted suicide for nonresidents – IOTW Report

Vermont’s Republican governor approves assisted suicide for nonresidents

FOX: Vermont has passed legislation that will open its assisted suicide program to nonresidents within the state.

Republican Gov. Phil Scott signed a bill on Tuesday that removes residency requirements for medically assisted suicide in Vermont.

“We are grateful to Vermont lawmakers for recognizing that a state border shouldn’t determine if you die peacefully or in agony,” Kim Callinan, president and CEO of the nonprofit Compassion & Choices, told The Associated Press. 

She continued, “Patients routinely travel to other states to utilize the best health care options. There is no rational reason they shouldn’t be able to travel to another state to access medical aid in dying if the state they live in doesn’t offer it.” MORE

21 Comments on Vermont’s Republican governor approves assisted suicide for nonresidents

  1. VT is a complete mess!
    As soon as you cross the border from either NH or NY you can see the poverty.
    Sure, there are a few wealthy people like Bernie Sanders but the population of VT is dumb as a box of rocks. They keep voting for these fools.
    Leftists have no sanctity of life in their beings. Only death and deviance.

    Maine isn’t far behind.

  2. Who else feels like suicide when they find out everytime they take their vehicle in for computer servicing when the canic plugs the reader in, all that data is mainframed.

    Everywhere you go.
    Everywhere you been.
    Forever Forth

  3. Let’s see about getting the DNC to hold their next convention and/or Congressional Retreat in Burlington. Then all we have to do is hack the Vermont state “I want to sign up for assisted suicide” system, and note that all the “volunteers” says that any last-minute reluctance must be overridden by use of force if necessary.

  4. As long as they make it mandatory for illegal-alien invading rat-people, pedophiles, corrupt pols, perverts, and filthy fuggin moslems.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Does “non resident” = “illegal alien”?
    Enquiring minds…..

  6. I don’t get the idea of people writhing in agony before they get suicided. My father died of cancer but he got four morphine shots a day, literally a liquid shot of green colored morphine which he dubbed “Irish Kool-Aid”.

    The right kind of meds should alleviate most of the pain. Maybe I’m wrong.

    But I think it’s a sin to kill oneself. God doesn’t like that.


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