Very Odd Joke On Bill Maher’s Show – IOTW Report

Very Odd Joke On Bill Maher’s Show

I don’t know what to make of this.

He was going over new Vegas slogans now that they are opening fully in June.

One slogan was “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, unlike Wuhan.”

Another was, “Now that you’re fully immune, try the buffet.”

So, you get the idea.

Then they did this one –>


14 Comments on Very Odd Joke On Bill Maher’s Show

  1. You left 20 some-odd minutes on his show to be played, but I assume that your intent was his comment that “democrats, eat kids free”.

    That was a weird comment to be sure. Abortion? Pedophilia? Or just a lame twist on a common phrase?

  2. “Jerry. Are you suggesting democrats are eating kids?

    Never underestimate the sheer depravity of what happens to you after you sell your soul to the devil…

  3. Creepy and odd. I can only think it’s a slam on Biden. Maher has made negative comments about him before just recently. Great manners of Carville to wipe his snotty nose on his sleeve. Ick.

  4. Stopped watching Bill Maher almost 20 years ago, not about to start watching him again. Ever.
    Not sure why anyone would watch him. I have yet to find any of his supposed jokes funny.

  5. He’s referring to oral sex with children (most probably – considering Gollum’s embarrassed laughter).
    Recall that Manson made one of his sycophants fellate her newborn son?
    These people are sick – unbelievably depraved – and actual cannibalistic tendencies among them wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

    The Mau-Mau (another “leftist” group out of Kenya in the 50s) oathing ceremony required the consumption of childrens’ brains.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Bill Mahr is a very talented comic – he is naturally funny. Too bad he has a screw loose in his head regarding politics.

    His Vegas Covid jokes sounded more non sequitur-ish, but they were funny.

    If Mahr promised to keep his routine non-political, and paid for my admission, I’d see him live. But considering he’s unlikely to change his leftist stripes, he’d be funnier dead.

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