Veteran Affairs Sec. Collins Confirms VA ‘Manpower’ Went to Helping Illegal Migrants Get Health Care in Biden Admin – IOTW Report

Veteran Affairs Sec. Collins Confirms VA ‘Manpower’ Went to Helping Illegal Migrants Get Health Care in Biden Admin

Breitbart: Secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA) Doug Collins confirmed that the Biden administration’s VA diverted “manpower” away from Veteran Care (VC) to help illegal migrants obtain health care.

In an interview with Andrew Wilkow of the Wilkow Majority on SiriusXM Patriot, the new VA secretary revealed that after stepping into the role earlier this month he found instances of time being used to “process health applications and stuff” for illegals: more

12 Comments on Veteran Affairs Sec. Collins Confirms VA ‘Manpower’ Went to Helping Illegal Migrants Get Health Care in Biden Admin

  1. Discovered over a year ago that I was exposed to Agent Orange on NAS Agana Guam back in 68-70 and am entitled to “something” but after I filed the paperwork, it just languished until I have to file again because they diverted paper pushers from the VA to process illegals.

  2. All I use is the VA for medical. They never pushed me for the jab. But I heard other Vets asking to get a booster. I was shocked that they had not gotten the word. And yes the VA is now slow moving. But closing the border may help down the road.

  3. Mr. Mxyzptlk – I have severe nerve damage from chronic chemical poisoning from body shop and vol firefighting. I took 600 mg Alpha Lipoic Acid daily and it did wonders for me. This is not medical advice, but just telling you what helped me.

  4. Imagine working to get free health care for people in the country illegally when that’s something that many poor and indigent US citizens can’t get anywhere. The people doing such things are brainwashed shitbags.

  5. Strip any and all participants in this of all assets. Let them be generous with their own money. If they were comfortable doing this, I promise you they took liberties with other funds as well. Make them pay it back and Barr them from any federal assistance ever in the future.

  6. I just figured it out, and I feel so dumb for being so slow. Covid was loosing our attentions spans, so Summer of Love! BLM was loosing our attention spans, so Ukraine! Trump was falling from the top of the fold, so Assassination!! Election time and everyone is shell-shocked and looking. the. other. way.

    I’m now thinking that everything since Watergate, including the Oil Shock of the 70’s, Iran hostages of the 80’s, Iran Contra of the 90’s, and the whole Globull War on Terronistas in the 2000’s, and Climate Change in the 2020s were all distractions that sucked us all into bigger, more expensive, and more oppressive government.

    We’ve paid huge taxes while racking up national debt at a greater level than in WW2. We gave away our liberties one at a time, starting with the Gun Control Act of 1968 and ending with COVID in 2022. We are a now a hollow shell of the nation our Founders designed.

    We now endure limitless humiliation ranging from taking off our shoes at airports to having our daughters raped in girls bathrooms. We self-censor. Our dogs are shot by cops. Shoplifting has been legalized. Illegal Aliens get FEMA and VA money while Americans are left begging.

    And it is all one huge distraction while OUR government has been robbing us blind and giving our money to themselves and their friends & families. We have been robbed of our wealth and future by the people who buy mansions on the coast.

  7. It’s not just that they paid for criminal invaders’ benefits, but they did it to the EXCLUSION of American citizens. That’s the treason they need to pay for with their freedom, if not their lives.


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