Veterans Join Forces To Rail On Kamala Harris For Her Disgusting Memorial Day Tweet – IOTW Report

Veterans Join Forces To Rail On Kamala Harris For Her Disgusting Memorial Day Tweet

Right out of 0bama’s playbook.

Trending Politics

On Saturday, Vice President Kamala Harris posted a disgusting, self-praising tweet where she commemorated Memorial Day Weekend by posting her best image of herself with the caption: “Enjoy the long weekend.”

Instead of posting a tweet to honor our fallen soldiers, Harris took the opportunity to share her best photo of herself.

Veterans across America quickly joined forces to rail on the Vice President for her disgusting, tone-deaf tweet.

Marine Corps veteran and Fox News contributor Joey Jones, who is also a double amputee, tweeted: “hey @KamalaHarris my buddies wanted me to post our selfie to tell you to ‘enjoy the long weekend’ too!” more here

25 Comments on Veterans Join Forces To Rail On Kamala Harris For Her Disgusting Memorial Day Tweet

  1. What else would one expect from a self-centered, hubristic, nihilistic, egocentric, megalomaniacal, usurping, lying sack of shit?

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. If I was her (thank the Good Lord above that I’m not!), I wouldn’t wear anything that even hints at a pearl necklace.
    Kamala, you ignorant slut.

  3. This administration has no understanding or respect for the Founding of this Nation, its Constitution or the men and women who sacrificed their lives for this Nation and to keep it.

    Another stroke of the whip on the backs who revere this Nation and those who gave their all.

    How long must we bear the disrespect and beatings of an administration that hates this country and all we believe??

  4. It is not the long weekend that worries me, it’s the 1,330 days until the next inauguration on January 20, 2025. This was just a taste of what this Jamindian Communist really thinks about a country that millions of Americans fought and hundreds of thousands have died for over the last 89,450 days since July 4, 1776.

  5. @Tim – “…What else would one expect from a self-centered, hubristic, nihilistic, egocentric, megalomaniacal, usurping, lying sack of shit?…”

    The required character flaws, er traits if you want to rise in the new democrat socialist party. Oblowme set the standards and now Ho-Harris checked all the boxes, while using hers as well, to expedite her rise.

  6. Unfortunately, Kamala is in tune with a lot of people who see Memorial Day as just another long weekend, and who see her as warm and intelligent. She will be President before 2024.

  7. The daughter of some friends of mine graduated from the Naval Academy on Friday. She had to shake hands with this POS, who was the speaker at the ceremony. I hope the first thing she did was wash her hands afterward.

  8. Some 50 years ago, a generation that was the first generation to be spared certain horrors that befallen every other group of children in all of human history (malnutrition, death from child epidemics, losing your mother due to childbirth …) was faced with a dilemma. You risk your life in war or be branded a coward and traitor.

    For all previous generations, there really was no choice. For one thing, death was far more a part of the life of children. They had seen friends and siblings die from disease. They lived with their grandparents so they saw first hand the awfulness of old age. And there was no escaping this brand of coward which would attach to them and their families. Also, given the stigma of coward and the fact that you could not get laid outside of marriage, your chancrs of ever being with a woman were almost nil

    And so two things had changed for us boomers. Our fear of dying young was drastically higher. Moreover, a lefty youth culture had sprung up which told them not to fear the “stigma” of cowardice, and, yes, you could get laid even if you dodged service

    And if you chose Option B, you had be hostile to every aspect of traditional American culture, simply to justify your choice. I saw this play out in the minds of two older brothers born in the early Fifties

  9. In my perfect world, a banner support would fall from its perch and hit her and Buffoon on their noggins and their deaths can be construed as Covid-related, since every other death is. As a positive affirmation, I’m throwing it out there for the universe to take care of it.


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