Vets who served with Tim Walz go scorched earth in Megyn Kelly sit down: ‘Habitual liar, coward’ – IOTW Report

Vets who served with Tim Walz go scorched earth in Megyn Kelly sit down: ‘Habitual liar, coward’

BPR- Another damning indictment against “habitual liar” Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz came courtesy of four veterans who served with the vice presidential nominee ahead of a premiere slamming the “coward.”

If the Democratic Party thought that concerns about their vice presidential nominee allegedly committing stolen valor could be swept under the rug, radio host Megyn Kelly had an interview to prove how wrong they were. Ahead of the Monday debut of a discussion with Minnesota National Guard veterans, the commentator teased impressions of Walz that raised the question, “What are you gonna do at the national level?”

As Kelly posited, “Why did you come forward?” the veterans expressed the “morally indefensible” action taken by the politician who had retired after 24 years with the Guard just as his battalion was being ordered to deploy to Iraq so that he could run for Congress. Read more

13 Comments on Vets who served with Tim Walz go scorched earth in Megyn Kelly sit down: ‘Habitual liar, coward’

  1. It honestly feels like we’re looking at two options here: One, they know they’re going to lose in a landslide so they are sacrificing the hoe and the liar to get rid of them from the national stage, or two, they know they are going to cheat enough to win no matter how many votes Trump gets, so they don’t care what anyone thinks of the nominees. I’d like to believe the first option, but my fear is the second.

  2. The Democrats would be better served if they ran Chance the gardener. At least Chance was honestly representing himself.

    The only conclusion I can reach is that they are so utterly convinced that the steal they have planned is water tight. If that happens (again), well, it’ll be a bleak Christmas this year. One for the history books.

  3. …In fairness, as big an asshole as Awolz who judges others by himself probably figured he’d be deservedly fragged, and so didnt want to go because he knew BOTH sides would be justified in shooting him…

  4. …as a civilian, I cant say I know how a military man views this particular cowardice, but maybe this is close.

    One time I was the 4th man in a 4 man hose crew attacking a basement fire. You use larger crews like that so a man can drop at each corner when feeding a hose around and down a staircase, and still leave a nozzleman and a guy to back him on the fire floor. The evolution was going OK when suddenly the #3 guy ahead of me got spooked and decided he had to leave NOW. To this day I have no idea why and theres not a lot of opportunity to talk about in in a smoke-filled hallway over an inferno, but there wasnt room for him to get around me so he pushed me out ahead of him. When I saw the 1 and 2 guys did NOT come out I went back in, only to be pushed out again as they finally emerged. The 2 guy had to be the cornerman because the 3 guy chickened, leaving the nozzleman alone on the fire floor with no further help to get around the maze the homeowner constructed there.

    So in that single, unexplained act of cowardice this one guy bitched the entire attack, making ME look like a punk for getting pushed out ahead of him and leaving the other 2 guys in a MUCH more dangerous situation than was planned. This probably cost us the save and the homeowner the house as the fire didnt wait for us to regather our shit and try again, but instead undercut the supports and dropped the house into the basement.

    THAT is what it would seem to me. That Awolz undercut his men, destryed their commamd confidence, made them look bad by association, and severely impaired them from doing the job they were sent to do as quickly as anticipated because now they had to reorganize around a completely DIFFERENT guy who himself wasnt anticipating the call, and for good reason too, and the enemy wasnt idly waiting for them to do it, either.

    I realize its not a perfect simile, the fire wasnt actually TRYING to kill people and operations in Afganistan have much more far-reaching implications, but cowardice is cowardice and abandonment and dereliction of duty under fire are the same, so on the level of having a guy try to crawl over me to get away from his own personal fear in a dire situation, I can cwrtainly relate.

    THAT guy got drummed out.

    Awolz got PROMOTED to high political office.

    …and thats another important difference, hes contantly raised to where he can do MORE harm, and God bless those men he betrayed as he started his political rise for trying to put a STOP to something that should have never STARTED.

    Communist cowards like Awolz are very petty and vindictive and they KNOW that, so they are very aware they are once more putting THEMSELVES in danger by speaking out.

    But they do it anyway, because they are not cowards like HIM.

    …Shakespeare tells us a coward dies a thousand deaths in his mind where the valiant taste of death but once.

    May all of Awolz’ craven death imaginings be as painful of relentless torments as possible.

  5. Sounds like Tampon Timmy is being Kerry Swiftboated by “his” own men, and justifiably so.

  6. It kind of reminds me of the end of Animal Hose when Mark Metcalf’s character, Neidermeir gets killed by his own men in Viet Nam. Vance is going to destroy him in their debate.


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