Vice Chair of the DNC Calls DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz a Liar Incapable of Leading Party – IOTW Report

Vice Chair of the DNC Calls DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz a Liar Incapable of Leading Party



“I am seriously questioning whether she has the capacity to do what has to be done,” he said of Ms. Wasserman Schultz. “And that’s why I’m doing what I wanted not to do for a long time, which is go public with my serious questions ofwhether she can lead this party.”

DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz has come under heavy fire from her own party for favoring former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton over other candidates in the Democrat primary. In the past two weeks, Wasserman-Schultz has come under extra criticism for allegedly disinviting DNC Vice Chairwoman Tulsi Gabbard to the first Democrat debate in Las Vegas after Gabbard dared to suggest the DNC should hold more primary debates, especially since they’ve been requested by candidates running for the White House.

Now, Wasserman-Schultz is under fire again and this time, she’s being accused of lying and not being capable of handling the job as chairwoman.

NYTimes reporting –

In a telephone interview Thursday, Mr. Rybak weighed in angrily in response, expressing shock that Ms. Wasserman Schultz “would knowingly say something that is flat-out not true.”

“This is not a back-and-forth between a chair and a vice chair,” he said. “This is a chair of the Democratic Party wrongly stating that she consulted with all of the party officers. I was not consulted. I know that Tulsi Gabbard was not consulted. And this is becoming about much more than debates.”

14 Comments on Vice Chair of the DNC Calls DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz a Liar Incapable of Leading Party

  1. So Wasserman-Schultz lied to her own DNC people and did whatever she wanted. This is what the Democrats do, and I would think that a DNC chairman who lies to people and does whatever she wants regardless of the desires of anyone else would be a perfect leader for that party.

    Next that guy will be complaining that the Democrats are against personal freedom. Duh.

  2. I think its funny that this moron pres couldn’t get out from under the Jewish female threat. I thought he was some sort of genius or something. If she tried to accuse me, I’d have gone public with, “was I an anti-Semitic or misogynistic when I hired you? Hmm, I guess not, so you must just be incompetent. You’re fired.” BTW, when democrat shill Chris Matthews tries to screw you over as the DNC Chair, you’re pretty much out of love.

  3. I have been enjoying my popcorn lately. heehee
    Tulsi is somewhat pro-military (Thank you for your service) BUT progtard with an F score.
    Tulsi should be head of the DNC. At least our eyes wouldn’t water at the sight of a DWS. *shudder*

  4. Eyes-water-ometer stuck on “high” when that addle minded, ass kissing witch is in view. We have learned to hate most of our country’s leaders with a gut-fire passion.

  5. Remember when Michael Jackson’s hair caught afire from too much hair spray? DWS topnots will autoignite from that 10W30 oil slick on her skull, or a molotov cocktail primer.

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