Vice Presidential Debate Live – Open Thread – IOTW Report

Vice Presidential Debate Live – Open Thread

207 Comments on Vice Presidential Debate Live – Open Thread

  1. …I’m out…she let Camel run her mouth and say a bunch of unproven stuff as fact, then used her fake “facts” uncritically as an accusational “question” for Pence that didn’t even allow him to respond to Camel’s lies, then he just rolled over and took it like the surrender monkey he is.

    God help President Trump.

    Pence sure as hell won’t…

  2. “Moderator Susan Page, a deep Washington DC insider and party ally of the Democrats, is currently writing a biography of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and has been working closely with the speaker for several months.”

    h/t Sundance

    It’s all a bullshit Swamp.

  3. No matter what Pence says, while he says it Harris has been coached to just shake her head and smile like she’s thinking “what bullshit.”

    That’s exactly what Biden does too, but he’s always got that smirk on his face while he does it.

  4. @PeeHenry I have a very high IQ like most libs compared to conserves (scientific fact) but this is about how Kamala is crushing weak anemic looking and limp dicked Pence.

  5. Mrs. Manderin, who is the least political gal I know (BUT SHE LOVES TRUMP!), does NOT like Hairass smirking and laughing. I bet untold millions of women feel the same way.

  6. Brad
    OCTOBER 7, 2020 AT 9:27 PM
    “Is Pence trying to sink this ticket? WTF”

    ….Pence rolled over to the Gaystapo and died when he was running Indiana, and he’s been GOP-E all the way ever since, lest those bad gay mens beat him up again…

  7. They have nerve to talk about science. Her question was ‘man made global warming’. Very sexist! WE need to turn their OWN words on them!

    ‘They’re coming for you’ Commala Harris – Classic Projection.

  8. Harris looks smug.
    The moderator look like whats her name from THE VIEW.
    Watched 10 mins see the VP as sincere and Harris trying to control her KAREN persona.
    What see and feel from Harris is she is eyeballing the POTUS slot in weeks already. I just do not read or see any thing to trust in her face or body language.

  9. Pence is doing really bad for someone who obviously had the debate questions ahead of time. He didn’t bring his A Game when he came to debate a master litigator like Kamala. Such slow slow leaners. Maybe he can get a job as a doorman at Trump’s all white-people towers after Jan 2021.

  10. Moderater cunt: “hurricanes are bigger and wetter and wild fires are hotter”……BWAHAHAHA!!!….she’s already worse then Chris Wallace, but keeps on going….

  11. @proglib.

    Slow leaners? What does that mean, Einstein?

    You’re a gutter snipe. Look it up.

    Oh. And you should learn about ‘adverbs’. Perhaps pence is underperforming and he is performing ‘badly’.

    Learn the English language. It might help you to express a cogent thought.

    Pssst. 4.0 at Harvard. Don’t fuck with me.

  12. existential threat is what climate change is camela said
    I had to look it up, means “existence”
    is all camel toe

    omg now she’s saying POTUS lost trade war to China!
    I think that’s what she said

    Second time Pence bless his heart You’re entitled to your own opinion, not to your own facts LOL!!!

  13. Kamala’s stylist blew it tonight. She looks slouchy, heavy and has no neck. Not Stacey Abrams heft but thick nonetheless. VPPence’s pink eye? Yikes.

    Purely shallow observations! I only watched a little. Couldn’t take it. Reading your comments instead.

  14. Just read a very non-political woman on FB say: “This woman on my tv is a smirking whore and every woman watching agrees with me.”

    When she was told she really was a whore and how she started her career as a mistress, she replied that any woman can see the whore oozing out of her. That if it wasn’t too late for her to register to vote she was registering just so a whore wouldn’t be VP. lol

  15. She fluctuates between being on the verge of crying with a quivering lip, to a bitter, angry snarl to smiling and laughing sometimes in less than a minute.

    Truly bizarre.

  16. I’d love to see Trump have Candace Owens as VP.

    Candace would be tearing Kamala a new asshole.

    BTW, you know Biden is losing in the eyes of America when Harris tries to re-impeach Trump after the fact he was exonerated. Biden should tread lightly in this respect and so should Kamala.

    Remember, it ain’t over just yet…..especially with new evidence coming to light.

  17. Had to turn it off. Pence has had many chances to call out her lies and defend the President and I have not heard him do it once.
    The guy does not debate well. Not quick on his feet.

  18. Kam sounds like she would like to hit someone. The hands just came up. I would love to have a body language interpreter. Completely unprepared for the calm disposition that VP is offering.

  19. Pence has the facts, but he sounds asleep at the wheel and too nice. Harris is nuts and lies without thinking. She could be tripped up if Pence would get off script and call her a habitual liar.

  20. Why is it that Kamala Kuntie’s 2 minutes seem like they are 15 mins. And Pence’s 2 mins. seem like 30 seconds?

    Probably because I despise that smirking liberal bitch.
    BTW, I am being polite.

  21. Joe would be “only the second practicing catholic “ -How is a pro abortion at any time supporter a practicing catholic? What’s a practicing catholic? I’m a Baptist, but don’t refer to myself as a practicing Baptist.

  22. …every question…

    Mod: “Pence, why are you and Trump doing so much evil and how is it that you’re wrong all the time?”

    “Senator, how are you and President Biden going to fix all the evil and wrong things Pence did? Feel free to lie as much and openly as you like, I will accept everything you say as facts and use whatever numbers you give me against Pence with no verification whatsoever”.

  23. Brown is the same name as Commiela’s slave owning grandfather!!!!!

    More Poetry…

    You could tell she wanted to get off that stage

    Pence is smart he splits his time to go back to the original point!

  24. Fox Lose has Mouthbreather Martha, Brett Barely, Chrissy Wallace, Whine Williams, Donna Brazille, Karl Rove, Dana Perino & Brit Hume as commentators after the debate

    4 outright d’rats, & 4 non-trumpers …. Fair & Balanced!

    … the channel goes … ‘click’

  25. I would have liked Pence to directly answer the moderator’s points, thereby nailing Biden/Harris and socialism. He got around to them eventually, but perhaps not as fully as I would have liked.

    Also, I would have stopped talking when the moderator said “Thank You Mr. Vice President”, only to give KH more time to dig her own socialist grave. He didn’t need to cover and defend so much for Trump, who is capable of defending himself.

    Pence came off as too defensive about the Trump administration and not offensive enough about the points raised by the moderator, which he could have turned around and used it to highlight and attack the left’s socialist plans for America.

  26. My lefties on Facebook chit chat snark at every debate. The fly, their highlight of the debate, was mentioned every time with the 💩 emoji. “Looking forward to how SNL does that this weekend! 🤣”

    I seriously can’t imagine there are undecided voters at this point.

  27. Illustr8r

    You need to answer back, it’s one thing not noticing a fly in your hair, it’s a totally different thing not noticing one on your upper fucking lip. Feel free to leave out the profanity.

  28. The thing that got me about the fly is they make this big deal about being safe, plexiglass, virus free zone. A fly is bigger than a virus, right?

    Corona kabuki continues unabated.

    Pence took the wood to her over the “will you peacefully transfer power” ambush. They still haven’t accepted the last results.

    Two debates and not one question about Impeaching the President in February! Come on, enemedia. Be proud of your accomplishment. Let’s talk about it.

  29. @Cliche

    “Pence took the wood to her over the “will you peacefully transfer power” ambush. They still haven’t accepted the last results.”

    Pence could have stated that the democrats should insure a fair election if they expect Trump to abide by the election results. Guarantee no voting by the dead, no double counting of dem votes, no trickery. Until that happens, no guarantees given.

    There were infinite ways Pence could have nailed her ass on a whole bunch of things.

  30. I skipped the whole thing, but from what I’m reading here, it was standard Pence against Tim Kaine in drag with added ethnic vibrance and a cameo by a covid fly. Is that about right?

  31. thirdtwin, i didnt watch it either, just a few highlights. My temperament doesnt allow for watching debates with shithead moderators and old coked up sluts and men that dont walk over there and beat their brains out.

    Other people have a whole lot more patience then i do dammit, so shut up.

  32. I know that’s right, Charlie WalksonWater. Although I’m hearing lots of bleating about “mansplaining”. That’s kind of like beating her brains out, I guess. She must have really messed up.

  33. My Petey B, a master debater in his own right, was seen furiously preparing Kamala Harris before the debate the same way he was seen after the debate furiously preparing my unbleached elastic starfish!

  34. Thirdtwin: it looked like a seasoned debater against a lightweight, mock UN affirmative action alternate.

    She looked wholly out of her depth in addition to slinging lies and being transparently evasive to direct questions.

    There was no gotcha moment for her or an instance where she said anything quotable or got the better of Pence.

    Having said all of this, neither the Fox Presidential show or this one was a debate in the definition of the word. In debates, the candidates can volley back and forth in a test of rhetoric, knowledge and wit.

    These farces set candidates talking passed each other to a moderator who narrowly tailors questions and they are supposed to pretend like the other didn’t just lie, misrepresent or commit blood libel against them.

  35. Mrs. Hans was frothing at the mouth by the time the debate was over (she’s a calm professional government (very non-political) worker who was raised in a Democratic home) who now hates the “smirking stupid bitch…”

    This debate solidified the house of lies and deceit that Joe Biden and Camel-toe are running on.

    Mr. Pence’s one phrase to take away: “you can have your own opinions but you can’t have your own facts.” America must stop letting the DNC make up their own facts. BTW the word “science” is a verb and not the noun the DNC would have it be.


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