Victim of Leftwing Violence Perpetrated By Idiot Punk Band Frontman Speaks Out – IOTW Report

Victim of Leftwing Violence Perpetrated By Idiot Punk Band Frontman Speaks Out

The left is dangerous. They love using their fists, even though most leftists couldn’t rip a piece of kale in two.

I was at dinner earlier this evening where when of the guests was a nice elderly Italian-American woman. Who knew that when the subject of Trump came up she would whip herself up into such a lather that she had to be physically restrained from sticking fingers in people’s faces as she spittled cliched inanities?

They are all Robert De Niros now.

Frontman Mike Ness, of Social Distortion (they are still alive???), punched out a concert goer that told him to shut up and sing when he launched into a Trump tirade.

Here is the victim telling his story.

According to Fredo Cuomhole, if the frontman is “morally right” he’s allowed to be violent.

11 Comments on Victim of Leftwing Violence Perpetrated By Idiot Punk Band Frontman Speaks Out

  1. He should be fighting back Lefty style.
    First SUE the guy & Venue
    Buy a New Truck & House ( Ranch ? Horses ? Dually ? )
    Send the Kid’s to College and get the Wife that new Iron she’s been admiring.

  2. It was good to see bad manners receiving a bit of karma maybe he could learn that actions have consequences. If he pulled that with the folks I grew up with in the Detroit area he have a few head scars to help him remember his folly.


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