Victoria’s Secret Hires First Transgender Model – IOTW Report

Victoria’s Secret Hires First Transgender Model

good light-

bad light-

really bad light –

It’s a man, baby


63 Comments on Victoria’s Secret Hires First Transgender Model

  1. From now on I’m just going to assume every Victoria’s Secret model is a man. That makes it real easy to not care. In fact I’ve done that when I meet new people now. I just assume they are one of 62 different genders.

  2. Not going to end well.

    Reminds me of an old SNL commercial called “Bad idea jeans”. I’d add the link but it has gone down the memory hole. I guess making jokes about having unprotected sex in Haiti is too P.C. incorrect or something.

  3. Even though all the wimmins empowerment crap says “you are beautiful-no matter your shape or size” women compare themselves to each other. So, how does it affect a girl/woman’s self esteem if she determines she’s not as pretty and attractive as the girl on the page who used to be a boy/man?

  4. Liberal Women of the world should unite.
    You can’t compete with men without Title IX and affirmative action in anything.
    You were safe for a time in women’s sports and elsewhere but now with your constant whining and nagging about everything and that fish needs a bicycle strategy, you are on the losing end.
    Men pretending to be women are winning all sports competitions,beauty pageants,parenting competitions,getting the vapors and clutching the pearls and jobs in modeling women’s underwear.
    Joe Scarborough can wipe the floor with any crazy woman on the View with all his manhood and all his brains tied behind his back.
    Its game over, turn out the lights.

  5. Leftism ruins everything it touches, now including VS and Sports Illustrated btw.

    What we are witnessing is historically similar to starting around 1965 like a boomerang, well at least culturally.

  6. The relentless shit from liberals is their desire to fool the rest of us with their bullshit.
    Their policies are false, their beliefs are false and certainly; transgenders are false.

  7. Their cheaply made chinese slave labor crap was garbage before hiring the tranny thing…. now they will have to make their G-strings big enough to cover “her” package or he/she/it will sue them for discrimination and racism.

    As a matter of fact they will have to change their entire line up of women’s underwear to accommodate their new customers or face MANY lawsuits and SJW campaign against them for not bowing down and catering to the LBGTQXYZ#@*!@23549 crowds!

  8. “So never judge a book by its cover
    Or who you gonna love by your lover
    Love put me wise to his love in disguise
    he had the body of a Venus
    Lord, imagine my surprise
    Dude DON’T look like a lady
    Dude DON’T look a lady
    Dude DON’T look a lady
    Dude DON’T look a lady”

    “Dude”, Aerosmith (slight mod SNS)

  9. …I thought the POINT of “transgender” was that these sickos were supposed to ACTUALLY believe that they were women?

    …then WHY are they boasting about NOT being ACTUAL women? Even ADVERTISING it?

    …seems like even THEY don’t believe their own lies…

  10. “Well, I’d left home just a week before
    And I’d never ever kissed a woman before
    But Lola smiled and took me by the hand
    She said, “Little boy, gonna make you a man”
    Well, I’m not the world’s most masculine man
    But I know what I am and I’m glad I’m a man
    And so is Lola
    Lo lo lo lo Lola, lo lo lo lo Lola”

    “Lola”, The Kinks

  11. Fucks sake.

    What would be funny would be a dude like me, 6 foot tall, muscular, with a beard, wearing that shit just to make them feel like clowns that they are. Or better yet some fat hairy slob with mustard stains on his nightie. Smoking a cigar.

  12. The market will soon determine if women with a figure that fits their attire, that were previously attracted to buy it wear it to appear a little sexier, for a few minutes anyway, will in the future see VS as a men’s shop and go elsewhere.

  13. I went to Vic’s secret because I had a gift certificate for my birthday. I bought 2 bras.
    Until they stop mocking me as a woman, I’m not going back there. Certificate or not.

    Same goes for cover girl and maybelline cosmetics companies, who had photos of dudes with 5 o’clock shadows with pores as big as sequins, wearing full makeup.
    No. We’re done here, until you stop mocking women.

    Feminists- you own this.

  14. …we had this trans dude at work who wasn’t shy about it. He was this pale French dude with a name like “Lelo” or something, and he told everyone he was working to make enough money for snippy snippy.

    …he had this skinny body, like Ethiopian skinny, and always wore tight female bodysuit like apparel, but he had this HUGE man head on top of it, and he didn’t just look like a dude, he looked like an UGLY dude. Think Tommy Wiseau’s head from “The Room” balanced on top of Mary Lou Retton’s body from the Olympics, and you’d be pretty close.

    …he wasn’t a bad dude, juat crazy. No one had the heart to tell him that, no matter what he had or didn’t below the belt, that it was pointless without head reduction surgery and MAJOR face work, or wasn’t no one gonna get to his crotch anyway, male OR female.

    …I don’t know if he ever got the money, but he DID get fired. Seens he couldn’t stay out of the ladies’ room, and the gals didn’t want this freaky man-head dude in the loo with them.

    The guys didn’t EITHER, but that was kind of mutual.

    …anyway, this being pre-Obama AND a violation of state law (back when they were still enforced) the Company wasn’t having it, and told him to use the mens’ or get out. He wouldn’t do either, so they HELPED him leave.

    …point is, “female” is an entire genetic code for the whole body and mind, and you can’t cut and paste EVERYTHING. You’re NEVER going to look, talk, act, move, speak, or think like a woman…

    …’cause you AIN’T one.

    Deal with it.

    And leave the REST of us ALONE.

  15. The assholes running the Calgary Stampede are no better. Folded to a bunch of PETA types out of BC. No six second rule means what they are selling as calf roping is irrelevant. It started with Tuf Cooper being suspended for spanking his horse a few years back and the Calgary Stampede will be nothing but a carnival in another ten years.

  16. To Victoria’s Secret; Obviously you didn’t learn a thing from Gillette’s $8 BILLION LOSS last quarter, after they got “woke” and offended 70% of their customer base. (Hint) In the real world outside Hollywood, most people are disgusted by homosexuality in general, and the transgenderism ‘tweens in particular.

    By the way, you might want to remove your newest “Angels” Adam’s Apples before the next photo-shoot….just a suggestion.

  17. Jerry Manderin, but I knew some fellow sailors who got duped by a benny boy in the Philippines and weren’t drunk enough or stupid enough to to have sex with when they found out that they were actually guys and ran like hell as fast as they could to get away from them.


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