Video from 2013 Has High-Level Witness Admitting Hillary Conducting Classified Information On Unsecured Blackberry – IOTW Report

Video from 2013 Has High-Level Witness Admitting Hillary Conducting Classified Information On Unsecured Blackberry

HT/ All Too Much

9 Comments on Video from 2013 Has High-Level Witness Admitting Hillary Conducting Classified Information On Unsecured Blackberry

  1. You seen any pigs flying lately? Because that’s when you’ll see Hillary do time in the big house. Obastard will pardon Hillary for her courageous service and sacrifice to America. The Clintons are above the law. 😡

  2. I had an interesting conversation with an extremely intelligent patriot. She points out a few very pertinent questions that I haven’t heard before and needs to be investigated.
    When did Hillary go to her own private server? Is there any connection between her and Snowden?
    Snowden is a Dem that loves Hillary and might have tipped her off what he was going to do – prompting her to go to a private server.
    Interesting theory.

  3. It’s hard to recall all the offenses during this 8-year nightmare, there are so many, but I distinctly recall when Obama (he’s black, you might recall) first took office there was an issue of him insisting on keeping his blackberry.

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