Video from on the scene in Boulder – IOTW Report

Video from on the scene in Boulder

A guy saying he is a journalist arrives at the supermarket where the shootings took place. He sees bodies on the ground.

It’s an eerie scene. And old man who works at the store, possibly as a greeter, is still standing in the doorway, looking at his phone. He casually tells the videographer that the shooter is inside, pointing over his shoulder.

He looks in the store and there is a body on the floor.

He decides to bolt.

It takes quite awhile for the police to arrive.

The person filming was alerted by his friend Denny, who was inside the store when the shooting began.

There is a Denny on the list of victims.

The comments on the video are not kind to the videographer.

7 Comments on Video from on the scene in Boulder

  1. .. first of all, Reason #472 for “Why I Carry Concealed At Kroger”.

    Second, where is blood? I’ve seen folks with severe cardiac trauma not bleed, but these folks look like they were dropped where they stood, the guy inside particularly, and dude must have been a hell of a shot to get 3 people like that so none bled or dragged a blood trail. You shoot someone in the head it’ll stop them, but the head is pretty vascular and bleeds profusely because it doesn’t stop the pump. Also, there’d be secondary trauma from the fall, again to the head in particular like the guy outside the door who landed on a curb, and even with winter garments wicking up blood, it seems like some should be visible there. Not saying anything, yet, but it also seems odd how calm the greeter is and how the camera guy doesn’t seem to worry about all the windows he’s exposed though. Yes, people in shock sometimes don’t process well and revert to the world they understand, but it still seems weird.

    Third, WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? Do cell phones remove your humanity or something? OK, maybe not go for the guy inside where the shooter is unarmed, but there’s at LEAST two people outside you COULD see if they still have a spark, and drag em behind a car and see if you can help if so. SOMETHING other then posting them in social media for everyone to find out in the most brutal way possible that Uncle Ned is dead.

    Where the hell is basic humanity, general respect for life, or even common decency?


    …I’m actually surprised we haven’t found the shooterz MAGA hat yet. This whole thing feels at least partly set up, to distract from The Pedophile’s border issues and shift the focus back on disarming the Deplorables where they want it.

    And maybe that’s where his humanity went.

    He sold it to the devil’s Democrats.

    …anything for clicks, I suppose, even your soul is evidently not to great a price…

  2. I watched the entire video last night. A couple thoughts:

    The first minute or so is rather bizarre – a couple shots can still be heard and we’re informed that the shooter went inside by someone just standing there (with one other) seemingly without a care in the world and oh, by the way, there’s a body laying right here; let me finish texting.

    It does seem like it takes a long time for the cops to arrive. Eventually, every unit in the state across multiple agencies seems to be present.

    The cops were total assholes to the videographer, who is manhandled more aggressively than what we see the shooter receive, despite his leg wound. The cops kept pushing the videographer even though he was on the other side of their tape and moving back. I guess when 300 cops are there, some of them need to justify their presence. I’m glad he told them to fuck off.


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