Video of Big Leftist Brother Discussing How to De-Right the World – IOTW Report

Video of Big Leftist Brother Discussing How to De-Right the World


A video recorded by Google shortly after the 2016 presidential election reveals an atmosphere of panic and dismay amongst the tech giant’s leadership, coupled with a determination to thwart both the Trump agenda and the broader populist movement emerging around the globe.

The video is a full recording of Google’s first all-hands meeting following the 2016 election (these weekly meetings are known inside the company as “TGIF” or “Thank God It’s Friday” meetings). Sent to Breitbart News by an anonymous source, it features co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, VPs Kent Walker and Eileen Naughton, CFO Ruth Porat, and CEO Sundar Pichai. It can be watched in full (at the link.)

It was reported earlier this week that Google tried to boost turnout among the Latino population to help Hillary Clinton, only to be dismayed as the usually solid Democratic voting bloc switched to the GOP in record numbers. This video shows a similar level of dismay among Google’s most high-profile figures.

ht/ all too much

22 Comments on Video of Big Leftist Brother Discussing How to De-Right the World

  1. Vietvet

    If Q didn’t have some legitimacy they wouldn’t be try so hard to shut him down. 8Chan’s been under attack since Sunday evening. It hasn’t slowed Q down much. One of his last posts “FISA Warrants work two ways”.

  2. I am re-posting this link from the video on Breitbart. it’s Ruth Porat, their Chief Financial Officer, crying as she describes talking to a friend election night who is at the Jacob Javits Center with all the other Hillary people.

    Sure, they get to speak at their Friday events; just make sure it’s to the Left because Lord help you if you’re on the Right and put it in writing like someone else did last year:

  3. They´re sooo disappointed at all the low information voters who don´t share their values…

    What that obviously means is that Google shares Hillary´s values and guess whut, this “low information voter” along with a lot of other real Americans sure as Hell doesn’t want anything to do with Clinton family values or have the country run that manner! It is pretty much common knowledge by now what the democRAT party was trying to get away with and with the help of the Media and companies like Google. Nobody would have been the wiser about any of this had the H-bag won! That right there screams VOLUMES!

    “Do No Evil, but deceit is OK”

    Yeah Google, we know you don´t say that, but now we all know you Just Do It!

    Oh yeah, and when you have a corporate meeting discussing nothing but the election and politics, yer in the business of Politics BIG time taking sides (and names) only now the entire world can see what side yer on! Take a big toke on that Jackass! Screw you and yer Obama-eared Assistant!

  4. Silicon Valley is a strange place. Allegiance to the company brand is paramount to family, God or country. A pal of mine were discussing this today. They call them “Gods Of The Valley”. Cisco, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Amat, Lam Research. I’m sure I missed a few. I guess what I’m trying to say is these people don’t think for themselves. The culture demands cultural robots. Just sayen, that’s what you’re up against.

  5. Terrible hygiene, poor choice of clothes, and baffled they would be wrong in their choice.
    Work on that hygiene and improve the dress code. That’s a start to bring some reason, discipline and common sense to the company.
    But since it’s a tech company run by a bunch of SJWs, please continue the path of basic misunderstandings.
    Oh, and of course be really happy about legalized drugs.

    Clearly.. They are on drugs.

  6. Anonymous

    I don’t discount that, it probably is. My exposure was quality specs/process control for some of these companies that made no Gxd Damn sense. This was in th 90’s by the way. The people I’m negotiating with had to know these programs/processes were counter productive and bull shit. They defended them while frothing at the mouth, pissed I had the balls to questions decisions made by some high paid asshole that had no clue. Not healthy for a cooperation, sure ass hell not healthy for a Constitutional Republic. But in the long run, that is Socialism.

  7. 48:20 “We’d like to pay more tax, but as the rules are you can’t just write a check.”

    Really? Who here has had their check denied by Uncle Sam? I hear it every year. Billions upon billions in taxes are OVER-paid at filing. Presumably, according to Google, you go to jail for overpaying the same as if you didn’t pay.

    “We can’t do more because we can’t pay more.” That’s real rich.

  8. These Sillycon Valley Tech companies would put Lenin and Stalin to shame when it comes to control over the masses. Gonna be really fun to stand them up against a wall in the near future.

  9. PJ
    Love ya. Get on Gab. It’s not perfect. But it’s not regulated. I’m there and enjoy it for the most part. To many racists and Jew haters. But good people are pushing back. We should ALL join and hook up.

  10. @the dirtball September 12, 2018 at 10:15 pm

    > Gonna be really fun to stand them up against a wall in the near future.

    That’s the problem with all you stupid Nazis! You’re ineducable! Didn’t you Nazis learn anything from, well, Nazis? There aren’t enough bullets, nor walls. It’s the twenty-FIRST century. We CAN do better!

  11. I find it hilarious [ and quite pleasing too] that Google execs thought they were herding only sheep to the voting booth. Only to later discover there were a lot of cats in sheep’s clothing within the herd. Meow, ah I mean, baaaa.


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