Video of doctor warning of transgender mutilation is taken off youtube – IOTW Report

Video of doctor warning of transgender mutilation is taken off youtube


“See, if you want to cut off a leg or an arm, you’re mentally ill, but if you want to cut off healthy breasts or a pen*s, you’re transgender,” Cretella said.

In the video, first published in 2017, Cretella explained that if she were to walk into a doctor’s office and introduce herself as Margaret Thatcher, the physician would call her delusional and give her an antipsychotic drug. If she were to say, “Doctor, I am suicidal. I’m an amputee trapped in a normal body. Please, surgically remove my leg,” she would be diagnosed with a disease — body integrity disorder.

But if she were to introduce herself as a man and ask to have her healthy breasts removed, her physician would congratulate her and mutilate her body.

After this introduction, Cretella delivered the verboten sentence, merely to drive home the point she had already made. In the video, she went on to tell the story of a young boy who thought he was a girl. In family therapy, the therapist discovered that the boy thought his parents would only love him if he was a girl — because they had to give his sister with special needs far more attention.

This medical doctor’s opinion may be unpopular in many circles, but she backed it up with facts and sound reasoning. YouTube responded by deleting the video.

On Tuesday, the Daily Signal reported that YouTube had recently removed the video, giving this message: “This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s policy on hate speech.”


13 Comments on Video of doctor warning of transgender mutilation is taken off youtube

  1. Not quite so fast, there is a movement called transabled. We’d like to think doctors/medical professionals would identify deranged ideas as mental illness but that hasn’t been the case. It is a slippery slope once you start entertaining any of this insanity and no one is allowed to injected common sense.

  2. Why is “penis” written “pen*s”. In an article about censorship.

    Hate to see this, but plenty of delicate sensibilities over the years, most on “the right”, helped paved the way for the censorship we’re seeing.

  3. So you’ve (proudly) got a mental disorder. That requires medical intervention. And after we pay for it (government, insurance — same pants, [maybe] different pockets), we’re supposed to allow you to vote? Be near children? Steer heavy machinery? While you “work things out”?

  4. The mere fact that there is a debate about whether or not ‘transgenderism’ is abnormal and physical mutilation is wrong simply points out how far down the drain our society has already gone.

    Nihilistic beyond belief. Lookout below.

  5. This will all come to a screaming halt once
    75% of these nuts (in the case of kids; VICTIMS)
    grow up enough to realize how they screwed up
    or were railroaded, start their multi- billion
    dollar lawsuits.

  6. Up is down. Down is up. Good is evil. Evil is good. Hate is called tolerance and tolerance is now hate. Free speech is dangerous and censored speech is for the public good. It is wonderful for a man to try to become a female and vice versa. It’s a good thing to have transvestites lecturing our children, but God is cast aside and forbidden. Violence is virtue. Truth is not allowed to be expressed in public. Crap! No more time. I have a doctor appointment.


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