Video of the “non-violent” left kicking & punching Trump mannequin – IOTW Report

Video of the “non-violent” left kicking & punching Trump mannequin

The video was retweeted by Michael Moore, a loathsome dirtneck who has trouble wiping.

ht/ woody

20 Comments on Video of the “non-violent” left kicking & punching Trump mannequin

  1. …this is funny and all, but there’s REALLY a SERIOUS issue.

    Michael Moore lives in Flint.


    Where it is CURRENTLY illegal to go to your NEIGHBORS’ house.

    “All public and private gatherings of any size are prohibited,” Whitmer said at a news conference. “People can still leave the house for outdoor activities,” and outdoor “recreational activities are still permitted as long as they’re taking place outside of six feet from anyone else.”

    …hmm, snitch line? Have I got one for YOU…

  2. …my phone died before I could complete the post.

    I know we have some genuine Michiganders here.

    Your Governor needs to KNOW about this open flouting of her good and kindly edict! About this oaf imperiling ALL of here citizens!

    …call the police immediately, before Michael Moore inconsiderately kills you ALL…

    “Michigan’s state health department is adding civil penalties up to $1,000 and potential business license violations to the list of possible punishments for disobeying the state’s stay-at-home order and other orders issued to slow the spread of COVID-19.

    The state’s existing order issued by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer threatens a misdemeanor charge, which entails a $500 fine and 90 days in jail if convicted. Local police departments were charged with enforcing the order, and people who wish to report a violation are encouraged to call local police tip lines instead of 911.”

    …pour some Goose sauce on that Gander, someone once said “Make Them Live By Their Own Rules”…


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