Video Released of SWAT Sniper’s Precision Shot Through Computer Monitor that Neutralizes Florida Bank Hostage-Taker – IOTW Report

Video Released of SWAT Sniper’s Precision Shot Through Computer Monitor that Neutralizes Florida Bank Hostage-Taker

A heart-stopping moment captured on newly released surveillance video shows a Lee County Sheriff’s Office sniper executing a precision shot that neutralized an armed bank robber holding two hostages.

15 Comments on Video Released of SWAT Sniper’s Precision Shot Through Computer Monitor that Neutralizes Florida Bank Hostage-Taker

  1. Negotiator: I want to know what’s going through your head.
    Sniper: a .308 round.

    I’m sure some rights group will complain about the negotiator’s statement.

  2. Why are they letting that FBI asshole get in the picture? They’re like roaches. Anything that is positive that happens with LE you’ll find the FBI snooping around.
    Watch that muzzle move around right before he takes that shot. Scary shit. Most of the special response teams are moving away from resting a gun on another person. Reason being is not only do you need to compensate for your breathing and movement now you need to compensate for theirs too.

  3. I remember when three SEAL Team snipers shot 3 Somali terrorists from the deck of a pitching boat. Three head shots.Simultaneously. That’s some pretty mean shootin’

  4. Your limited mental capacity criminal…
    We need to bring back the mental health hospitals instead of electing them to political positions.

    Fvcking Morons is what they are

  5. The police shot a white guy?

    From what’s on CNN, MSNBC, and other networks, I didn’t think that happened any more, unless they claim the white guy was a racist Kluxer or Nazi.

  6. @Wylie

    After the head shot, the perp probably no longer had a brain. But of course that is after the fact. If we could only remove their brains before they think about robbing a bank, or a Target, or a Nordstrom, or whatever.

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