Video: Sheriff David Clarke Says Sanctuary Cities’ Anti-Detainer Policies Killing American Citizens – IOTW Report

Video: Sheriff David Clarke Says Sanctuary Cities’ Anti-Detainer Policies Killing American Citizens

BCN: After interviewing women whose loved ones were killed by illegal aliens, Sean Hannity spoke to Sheriff David Clarke.

The sheriff called these deaths avoidable, and they make him angry. It’s not asking much for local law enforcement to honor federal detainers against illegal aliens and wait for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to step in.

These sanctuary cites won’t hold illegal aliens. The sheriff mentioned the case of two men raping a 14-year-old girl, one of whom was an illegal alien. ICE has issued a detainer order for him.

“The thing that really angers me,” Sheriff Clarke said, was one of those guys was out awaiting a deportation hearing.

8 Comments on Video: Sheriff David Clarke Says Sanctuary Cities’ Anti-Detainer Policies Killing American Citizens

  1. Kate Stienly’s family is suing SF and running into nothing but interference from the courts. They’re pissed enough that they will stay the course. Look at what’s in the news. Some poor 14 year old gets raped by to illegals and now they want to put her on trial. The sanctuary protects them over her. A two year old gets sexually molested by some sick fuck that stabbed two women earlier in the evening. The sanctuary protects him. Who’s our enemy and when do we do something about it?

  2. Cut off the Federal money. For too many years Federal money has been funding our own demise with these so-called “immigrants” and “refugees”.
    They are NOT “undocumented immigrants”.
    They are not “refugees”
    It is NOT immigration.
    It is NOT asylum-seeking.
    They are not here to find a job.
    They are not here to assimilate.
    They are not escaping to find a better life.
    They are invading us to DESTROY ours.
    It’s an invasion.
    It is time to start treating it like what it is!

    The money pays schools and communities to house the trash. With much of it encouraged by the Øbamboozler’s most un-American administration ever the clear intent was to weaken America any way possible. Stop it and 9/10ths of the problem will go away.

  3. @BB — Our enemies are the accumulated laws, officials and appointees currently holding positions of power in gov’t who do so because of decades of Leftist rule. What I now find, perhaps even more demoralizing than when obama was in office, is the rancor and negativity coming from fellow conservatives who bitterly complain that change is not coming rapidly enough. Sixty-some days in and they are furious that everything isn’t exactly the way they want it. I’m never surprised to learn that these same whiners have done exactly nothing to help change anything — not even a phone call to their own reps and senators. We often denigrate progressives for being ‘entitled’, but, frankly, I see the same behavior on the right. It is incredibly frustrating to realize that most people haven’t learned a damn thing from what we’ve just come through, electorally. The hard lesson is that in order to have the gov’t who want, you must participate. One of my favorite lines from any film is this from “Colonel Effingham’s Raid”: “Are you under the impression that (the gov’t) are trustees waiting for the citizens to (grow up) and some day take over governing themselves?”

    There are many really good people with really good minds right here at IOTWReport who would make excellent public servants. Why, out of all the people here, is not a single one of them in office or heading up a cause?

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