Video Shows 62-Year-Old Man Land Vicious Right Hand At Arkansas GOP Meeting – IOTW Report

Video Shows 62-Year-Old Man Land Vicious Right Hand At Arkansas GOP Meeting


Video appeared to capture the moment a man punched a state Republican Committee member in the face Thursday night in Arkansas, FOX26 reported.

The brawl started when Saline County Committee member Jonathan Newcomb allegedly made a derogatory comment regarding a woman’s nose ring at the state’s Republican Committee meeting, according to FOX26.

Jimmie Cavin, 62, said that since Newcomb was intimidating the woman he decided to verbally confront him, FOX26 reported. more here

20 Comments on Video Shows 62-Year-Old Man Land Vicious Right Hand At Arkansas GOP Meeting

  1. First reaction: America needs to go on a diet.

    If this was a Democrat meeting, those two guys would be swinging their purses at each other, or, have the women settle things since they have bigger stones.

  2. Weight lifter, paaaaalease. You know how to tell if someone is capable of easily building muscle. The distance from where there bi cept ties in to there elbow joint. This guys got the biggest gap I’ve ever seen.
    Having said that, the fat guy was a straight up fat boy bully who finally got what he deserved. Maybe not quite enough though.
    Here’s a pic of the punch thrower. Via JDHasty.

  3. I personally don’t like nose rings – I call then snot collectors. If a nose ringer has to blow his or her nose, just imagine what could be hanging off the ring. Excuse me, it’s too repulsive to imagine.

    But it’s just a passing style, just as tats are. Like Beatle haircuts in 1965. I’ve met good people who have both snot catchers and tats. IMO it’s not really a thing to even mention.

  4. Funny thing about strength that I have read about recently. We all know ants can carry 50 or 100 times its weight, something like that. As size of animal species increases, muscle strength lags behind at 2/3 of height/weight. So a six foot ant weighing 210 lbs. would not be able to carry anything like 2000 lbs. or 5000 lbs. or more….that’s the general idea, although my arithmetic may not be accurate.

  5. These fat tall tough guys are always fun. The heaviest thing the bearded wonder has ever lifted is his belly and he thinks he’s a BAMF. I ran into one about half way through covid. I jumped out of my truck early one morning headed into the grocery store and after I had entered realized I’d forgotten my mask. Oh well. Sure as shit I ran into a 6’6″ waddling bad ass fat boy who was on a mask mission. His freaken hip were wider than his shoulders. Dude’s been intimidating people his entire adult life. It didn’t work out so well this time. In fact I’m pretty sure he pissed himself. And I never laid a hand on him. So yes, FAFO.

  6. That big fat guy does what big fat people always try to do, use their weight to try and push you and think their weight will scare you off. Like I have told a few in my day, all you got is you could suffocate me if you sat on me, but you’re too damn fat to move when I knock the shit out of you, so I suggest you back off. I never had one to not back off.

    I was always told the bigger they are the harder they fall, and he fell pretty damn fast and pretty damn hard with just one punch.

    BTW, I raised my daughter to never start a fight, but she also best never let anyone push her around and I expected if someone started it for her to finish it. She scared off many with just a look and a few choice words, including fat bully girls who everyone was scared of.

  7. You should see what the fat people have in the front basket of their electric shopping carts as the motor out to their cars double parked in the handy capped zone. You could gain 10 pounds just by looking at it. It’s suicide by food.


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