Video Shows Normal Polar Bear Activity Yet It’s Blamed On “GLOBAL WARMING!!!!” – IOTW Report

Video Shows Normal Polar Bear Activity Yet It’s Blamed On “GLOBAL WARMING!!!!”

The brainwashing and indoctrination of mouth breathing morons continues. You’ll be hearing about POLAR BEAR CANNIBALIZATION from the progressive moron in your life real soon.

The Daily Mail has a “rare” video of a male polar bear running down a cub and eating it.

But this is normal behavior for polar bears. They are cannibals. The Daily Mail, however, tells its readers in the headlines that “scientists” blame global warming.

It’s not until later in the article that the lie by these charlatans is revealed.

The “scientists” explain that when ice floes are scarce, seals do not hang out on them and polar bears have a hard time hunting for food.

The implication being that global warming is causing the disappearance of the floes so polar bears are eating their young.

But the footage of the polar bear was taken in Canada in THE SUMMER!!!

There are no floes in the summer, and that’s why polar bears eat their young. Global warming had nothing at all to do with this “rare video.”



11 Comments on Video Shows Normal Polar Bear Activity Yet It’s Blamed On “GLOBAL WARMING!!!!”

  1. Can’t we send some of the BLM and other assorted thugs to this place for “polar bear hunting”? They would make more sense as a pile of bear dung and would at least have some potential use to humanity.

  2. You forgot Christians clinging to the truth about God (guns were covered under b) and evil conservatives like me. I’m actually a good guy. I’m just tired of being told I’m part of the problem cuz I’m white, male, a veteran, heterosexual etc. and everything is my fault because I don’t agree with their dumbass worldview.

  3. Since Global Warming is ‘settled’ science, all these asshole scientists wont mind moving to Antarctica to complete their studies there; seeing as how its going to be a vacation destination soon.

  4. This behavior is not endemic to Polar Bears…. Griz, Black, Kodiak, etc… all male BEARS do this. Which is why Sows defend their cubs to the death. They know that male Bears are opportunists. It’s easy to kill a cub.

  5. Bears , in general will eat the young cubs because it will bring the female back into estrus! Sort of a bear viagra! Bill would have eatin his young but look at the sow he had to work with, he’s stuck with them both now!

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