Viewers of CNN and MSNBC Are 23.5% Less Informed on Important Issues – IOTW Report

Viewers of CNN and MSNBC Are 23.5% Less Informed on Important Issues


On every issue we examined, a majority of those who reported mainly watching Fox News or Newsmax said they recalled hearing about the various news stories we polled, while never more than 50 percent of those who watched CNN and MSNBC had the same information. Depending on the issue, the gap between the two groups averaged 23.5 percent, a huge deficit in the factual information of viewers of liberal cable news. More

11 Comments on Viewers of CNN and MSNBC Are 23.5% Less Informed on Important Issues

  1. Interesting they didn’t bother to poll 2020 / 2022 election integrity and the vaccine safe and effective BS. Probably because all news parroted the same BS.

  2. Faux News & NewsMax, important to who, when where? We all know people who watch these 2 for one reason, the lastest fake/bombshell stories. And UFOs are out there, far far out there.


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