Vintage Critters, Part 2 – IOTW Report

Vintage Critters, Part 2

Images from:

1) Agatha Kakalogical – Mittsy was a polydactyl cat, six toes on each paw. She was the second cat in our family.
2) Agatha Kakalogical – Calvin, fishing, in 1987. He was the first cat in our family.
3) Beachmom (Patches) she lived to almost 19 yrs old.
4) Beachmom (Eve)
5) Rando – HouseCat#2 (RIP).
6) SNS (Skippy)

The additional Vintage Critters from last week!

To submit your critter pictures for a future Sunday Critters, please email them to:


  1. A picture you/family/friend took and agree to publish here. NO images found on the internet.
  2. ‘Critters’ in the subject line.
  3. Your screen name.
  4. Your critter’s name (or species, if not your pet).
  5. Comments about the critter you want to share.

NEEDED: If your picture is for any of the following themes, please name the theme.

12-10 Playing In the White Stuff – Please have your pictures in to me by FRIDAY at NOON – Critters playing in the snow.
12-17 Claws, Talons and Fangs, Oh My – Critters defenses and armaments.
12-24 Christmas Critters – Everything Christmas with your critters.

Thanks for your wonderful pictures, contributors!

6 Comments on Vintage Critters, Part 2

  1. Love the break Lady C, and the idea of bringing back fur friends that have passed the Rainbow Bridge and wait for us on the other side.

    Like my Skippy there, really the wife’s dog, but aggravating though he was and doofy though he certainly could be, I miss the little wooly booger. The wife does too, especially too, he was there for her in some really dark times and was never more than a step from her heel, and was a valiant protector of his spirit sister Mini besides. We have a rescue now, our Duke, which Lady C has posted here before and we love that long legged ball of fire, but sure would have been great if they could have met each other and been beasties, but this was the way the Lord chose to do it.

    BFH did a masterful painting of him some time ago, actually splicing together in paint two half-good photos I sent him. It’s here along with the story of Skip’s transition if you’d like to see, along with a bonus of his beloved Mini, also RIP.

    Thanks for the paintings BFH and thanks to Lady C and all of you for letting me share some of the few happy memories I have. Once things turn around gonna ask Fur for some new paint for the next Gen, I do recommend it as many others here do, crystallizing a moment of life with none of life’s distractions that lives well after the subject occupies this plane no more.

    Enjoy playing on the fields of Heaven, Skippy.

    Those who miss you the most will be catching up with you in God’s good time…


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