Violence Threatened Against Those Who Go As Jeffrey Dahmer This Halloween – IOTW Report

Violence Threatened Against Those Who Go As Jeffrey Dahmer This Halloween

lad bible

But as Halloween draws ever closer, people are being warned not to dress up as the mass murderer, [Jeffrey Dalmer] who was responsible for the deaths and dismemberment of 17 men and boys between 1978 and 1991. 

Some viewers took to Twitter to share their concern at the timing of the popularity surrounding the series, and the potential likelihood of people imitating the serial killer in the name of a popular holiday.

One social media user, Nicole Murray, shared her thoughts on the possibility, writing: “The constant lack of remorse for Dahmer’s victims on social media makes me believe many people are going dress as Jeffery Dahmer and his victims for Halloween and that is so sick.” More

24 Comments on Violence Threatened Against Those Who Go As Jeffrey Dahmer This Halloween

  1. Halloween used to be a harmless event where creative moms spent zero dollars making indian war bonnets out of brown paper bags and ghosts out of old bed sheets for their CHILDREN. One could safely eat home-made popcorn balls from strangers and ten year olds used the buddy system to trick-or-treat across wide swaths of town ’til midnight — without a parent.

    America now spends as much effort and money — if not more — on celebrating Halloween than Christmas. It’s no surprise that the costumes have become increasingly macabre.

    (Makes me wonder if this story of Dahmer costumes is an orchestrated message to keep the focus off those who will dress as O’Biden.)

  2. It’s really kind of surprising that Dahmer isn’t one of the “heroes” of the nihilistic totalitarians (Demonrats, et al).

    He ticks all the boxes.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “But as Halloween draws ever closer, people are being warned not to dress up as the mass murderer,”

    Screw you, no one tells me what mass murderer not to dress as. Fauci will be an easy one to replicate. I urge everyone to dress as Fauci, send a real message. We need some fresh meat to abuse this Halloween.

  4. My daughter asked me if she could borrow the hideous kitchen drapes that we were about to throw into the garbage can

    When I asked “What for”, she said, “I wanna go as Jill Biden for Halloween”


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