Violent crime comes to previously peaceful and safe Martha’s Vineyard – IOTW Report

Violent crime comes to previously peaceful and safe Martha’s Vineyard

American Thinker:

By Peter Barry Chowka

The previously unimaginable has happened: the storybook island of Martha’s Vineyard, the seasonal home of billionaires and hundreds of elite cultural and political movers and shakers, not to mention one of three year-round homes of the Obamas, has finally experienced that rarity previously limited to the mainland: violent gun crime.  And surprise: The alleged perpetrators are not MAGA white nationalists.  Rather, evidence so far points to migrants, possibly of the illegal kind.

This is a bitter pill for most Vineyard residents to swallow.  The island’s six towns have all declared themselves to be sanctuary communities.  Last September, the island rallied (AKA virtue-signaled) around fifty illegal migrants who were flown there at the direction of Florida governor Ron DeSantis — before they were bussed and ferried off the island less than two days later.

A violent wake-up call

Last Thursday, November 17, minutes after it opened for the day, a small bank in the island town of Vineyard Haven was invaded by three armed masked men.  They threatened, subdued, and duct-taped the employees and proceeded to make off in a stolen car with an undetermined amount of cash — after brandishing semiautomatic handguns to intimidate the bank personnel.

Nothing like this crime has ever been seen on Martha’s Vineyard.  Previously, the crime rate on the small island off the southern coast of Massachusetts was almost nonexistent, confined to things like DUIs and the occasional passing of a bad check.  But now, like many other blue communities that have declared themselves to be sanctuaries for illegal aliens, things are changing. MORE

29 Comments on Violent crime comes to previously peaceful and safe Martha’s Vineyard

  1. Why shouldn’t they experience what the rest of the world is experiencing? They are not special – it will be the rich that will end up eating the $hit end of the stick soon. Heard about a socialite being arrested for battery on one of her slaves.

  2. Left Coast Dan November 26, 2022 at 2:36 pm

    Pretty obvious that this is DeSantis’ fault.

    Not really. But that’s who they will blame.

    Actually, DeSantis did them all a favor. They have a slough of workers to do anything they ask. I wonder how the illegals are enjoying all the snow and cold. They’re from places where the weather is great 24/7, and white people don’t dare treat you like $hit on your homeland. America is a different story. The illegals need to get a leader like Caesar Chavez to be their labor leader. Soak the rich if you can illegals!

  3. May the border-jumping, piñata spankers be Lost forever on the MTA –
    – Well did he ever return, no he never returned
    And his fate is still unlearned (what a pity)
    He may ride forever ‘neath the streets of Boston
    He’s the man who never returned!

    Poncho’s wife goes down to the Scollay Square station
    Every day at quarter past two
    And through the open window she hands Poncho a taco
    As the train comes rumblin’ through.

    Will he ever return, no he’ll never return
    And his fate is still unlearned (just like always)
    He may ride forever ‘neath the streets of Boston
    He’s the man who never returned.

  4. @Tim – FJB November 26, 2022 at 2:04 pm

    > the poor fukkin rich people have to put up with some of the shit we have to live with

    Billionaire bank tellers. A family of multiple PhD’s mopping the bathrooms.

    I’m sure it matters. To people that matter.

  5. TRF 7:07pm
    BRAVO! Well done!
    I was growing up in Bawston when that song came out, it quickly became a city-wide favorite.

  6. Too bad no one (unless you’re High Ranking Politically Connected) in The People’s Democratic Republic of Massachusetts had a gun at the time. Those perps might have ended up perforated for their efforts.
    Which leads to this;
    The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences is in action.

  7. Even if the bus loads of illegals don’t end up there they all should be given a guided tour before going to their destination. Here look! So much to choose from, so much wealth, easy pickings in the land of plenty.


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