Virgin Islands Rep’s Nude Photos Stolen By Former Staffer – IOTW Report

Virgin Islands Rep’s Nude Photos Stolen By Former Staffer

Representative Stacey Plaskett (D- V. I.) apparently had naked pictures of herself on her iPhone.

She trusted one of her staffers to take the device to an Apple store for repairs. The staffer downloaded “nude images and video” of the House member then created a Hotmail account and sent the material to “multiple persons, including politicians, members of the media, and other persons known to [Plaskett].”


29 Comments on Virgin Islands Rep’s Nude Photos Stolen By Former Staffer

  1. So the staffer that stole and leaked the embarrassing content is facing 5 years. The other staffer who lied to a grand jury on behalf of the nudie pics thief is facing 20 years.

    All because a women entrusted with a position of power was dumb enough to take naked pictures of herself and her husband and not properly secure, oh and she had a couple of dirt balls on her staff as well.

    They all deserve each other in the end.

  2. @MJA: ” People are stupid keeping all that on their iphone.”

    Not to worry dear. It wasn’t kept on the phone. Actually, it wasn’t kept just there before the dirtbags took physical possession.

    People really need to get used to the idea that that I-Slab or Android is just one more node on the internet. And a lot of players have access.

    This will never change.

  3. Her big problem is even if he hadn’t released the photos, they were still on her phone and subject to being seen by whoever was going to fix the phone. She’s a very stupid woman. They guy who distributed the pics isn’t too bright either. Oh well, I hope she learned a lesson.

  4. What part of ‘THEY tape everything’ isn’t clear, to the people who voted the to allow rampant recording of everything, by the government?

    Oh stupid me: Congress exempts itself.

  5. Don’t presume to sexualize this. This behavour is quite common for the american ape. It’s a very common socializing ritual. It begins with one mate making slow movements around the other, this gradually builds in intensity until both are screeching wildly and flinging scat. This keeps the bond between them strong. The fact that they chose to film it for loved ones to enjoy isn’t anybody else’s business.

  6. @ Moe Tom, that ain’t funny broh!

    That is one ass ugly person that they elected there.

    Guam is on top of the tallest mountain in the Marianas trench, we are actually almost tsunami proof. It’s just the inner/outer harbor in Apra that takes the swells, no matter how large the rest of the island is safe.

  7. Everything on a phone now goes to one of various central databases. Misleadingly dubbed “the cloud” to make idiot females with Selfie Porn on their phones feel “safe”.

    Apple, Android, 3rd and 4th tier players, and don’t forget NSA and other Intel.

    So not only can she not trust the Apple guy, she can’t even trust her own paid staffer. Now, that’s funny.

    Like Podesta The Mastermind, her password is probably “password”.

  8. BTW, there are two Apple stores in DC, one in Georgetown and another in Bethesda just across the D.C. line. If you’re a D.C. official, you’re going to have your iPhone/iCloud needs serviced at one of those 2 locations.

    Intel jackpot.

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