Virginia bankrolls illegal alien defense funds with tax dollars – IOTW Report

Virginia bankrolls illegal alien defense funds with tax dollars


There’s Northern Virginia and then the rest of the state. That’s how some folks describe it—and they’re right. Leave the northern liberal enclaves and you’ll find normal Americans.

You’ll find Republicans. You’ll be in Trump country. And like liberals elsewhere, the supervisors in Fairfax County, who dominate the board, are putting on their Trump resistance hats by creating a legal defense fund for illegal aliens who want to fight their deportations from Immigration and Customs Enforcement. It’s going to start as a $200,000 pilot program –


8 Comments on Virginia bankrolls illegal alien defense funds with tax dollars

  1. And Charlottesville, which is to Northern Virginia like Cuba was to the USSR during the Cold War. The Liberals have taken over there, rarely venturing out into the surrounding countryside of farms and homesteads, while living in tiny condos and bicycling to the coffee shops for fair trade roast trucked in by working people. The university hosts a series of festivals of The Book, Film, and Blah Blah Blah to bring even more lefties to town for theoretical discussions on why everyone isn’t as smart as them. The town has been taken over by them, pricing the natives out, so the good news is, when they raise taxes, it’s on their own kind. I’d like to see C’ville gerrymandered to annex Northern Virginia for voting purposes, so the sensible God fearing working folks who still own a few acres in the Piedmont have a voice in Richmond.

  2. $200,000? Have these people ever MET a lawyer? If they HAD, they’d know the lawyer would regard “Good Morning” as billable hours…

    …they might be able to help ONE illegal for a week on 200 large, then it’s back to the taxpayer trough for MORE, I suppose…

  3. …we have kin in the western coal country part of VA. We went to a funeral where every vehicle, including the hearse, had to have 4 wheel drive just to get to the cemetary.

    …I would LOVE to see a liberal try to get his Tesla up those hills, especially if there was a Jake-braking coal truck coming down the other way…

  4. Virginia is a very gracious and accommodating commonwealth, generously accepting other states garbage.
    We take trainloads of refuse from NY, which claims that all of their landfills are full.
    We took the older Boston Marathon bomber tsarnaev, after his younger brother ran him over with a car. He’s buried in an unmarked muzzlim cemetery with no trespassing signs somewhere in Caroline County.
    And then there are the high tax blue state refugees that arrive here like a Venezuelan caravan bringing their stupidity with them. Neither of our two senators are from Virginia, btw.
    Go ahead and thank us.

  5. The woman who broke up my brothers
    marriage and replaced the good wife
    was from Richmond.She was a gold digger
    cruising Hilton Head,SC for a fat cat.
    Couldn’t find one so she settled on my lawyer
    brother.Bubba had to buy her a Porsche Cayenne
    with Obungo sticker…

  6. @RADIOATIONMAN that’s weird, because the female lawyer I had to hire when my son’s school went sideways ALSO drove a Porsche Cayenne, arguably the stupidest thing Porsche ever produced from both a looks AND performance standpoint.

    …Must be a symptom of the brain disease that makes people want to be lawyers in the FIRST place…


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