Virginia: Campaign Finance Reports Show Northam (D) Campaign Coordinated On Racist Truck Ad – IOTW Report

Virginia: Campaign Finance Reports Show Northam (D) Campaign Coordinated On Racist Truck Ad

Daily Caller: Democratic candidate for Virginia governor, Ralph Northam, denies authorizing a disturbing TV ad that depicted his opponent’s supporters as murderous neo-Confederates, but state campaign finance reports suggest the campaign coordinated with the group responsible for producing the ad.

Earlier this week, Latino Victory fund, a progressive political action committee, released a video of a white man in a pickup truck sporting an Ed Gillespie bumper chasing after a group of frightened minorities. Latino Victory pulled the ad, which had drawn outrage from conservative groups for its overt racial fear-mongering, hours after an Islamic terrorist used a rented van to run down and kill 8 people in New York on Tuesday.

[…] “The Northam campaign is saying, ‘Even though this was legally a coordinated communication, we didn’t look at the content of the ad,’” he said. “Now, I find that very unlikely because, if you are working hand-in-glove with an outside group as part of your campaign … why would you not want to see the content of an ad that you were perfectly allowed to see?” MORE

11 Comments on Virginia: Campaign Finance Reports Show Northam (D) Campaign Coordinated On Racist Truck Ad

  1. Nonsense. Northam knew. They probably giggled themselves silly at roll out. Redneck Virginians are all about chasing kids down with menacing. I’m

    Ralphie. You put your eye out.

  2. Leftist think this “White Supremacist” angle is a winning one for them. And, like always, they’ve pushed too hard and too far. And it’s going to blow up in their faces.

    Voters do not respond well to being slandered, smeared and insulted. Yet this is precisely what they keep doing to us. Hillary’s “deplorable” comment is beginning to look mild in comparison to where these idiots are burping out.

  3. @Dianny November 2, 2017 at 8:43 pm

    It might be preaching to the choir. Do people of color find it unbelievable that someone would jump in a truck and run down the “evil other”?

  4. I can’t wait until Tuesday. I can’t wait until the ballot box opens.

    We are going to give Northam, Fairfax and Herring the add whuppin of all time. Epic ass whuppin.

    Virginia has seen quite enough.

  5. He’s lying. Every tv ad produced for this campaign is going to be viewed by the candidate. It’s not as if there are a lot of them. He’s now caught in what most people will see as a lie and whatever chance he had after the ad ran is now gone. On top of that the hispanics in the state are now going to have to wrestle with less trust from their fellow Virginians after showing themselves to be racist and willing to sow hatred in order to win.

  6. Man, democrats are really fucked in the head, totally drunk on their own fermented Kool-Aid. Any sane, objective political analyst could’ve told them that such an ad would not only cost them blue collar votes but motivate people who otherwise may not have voted at all to come out and vote for Gillespie. And I guarantee you Gillespie got a boost on donation thanks to that stupid ass, brain-dead, white-hating, racist fucking ad.

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