Virginia: How One Progressive Prosecutor Paved the Way for an East Coast Shooting Spree – IOTW Report

Virginia: How One Progressive Prosecutor Paved the Way for an East Coast Shooting Spree

WFB: A gunman suspected of killing two homeless men and wounding others in two East Coast cities in March would have been in prison at the time of the shootings if not for the work of one progressive Virginia prosecutor.

The office of Fairfax County commonwealth’s attorney Steve Descano (D.) in December 2020 charged the shooter, Gerald Brevard III, with three felonies related to his attempt to abduct a hotel housekeeper and later break into a nearby apartment. The felonies—abduction with attempt to defileburglary, and possession of burglarious tools—together would carry a minimum of 26 years in prison and up to a life sentence.

But six months later in June 2021 Brevard was a free man. Descano’s office reduced the first two felonies to misdemeanors, and dropped the third entirely, the case file shows, allowing him to leave prison after just five months. Less than a year later in March, Brevard opened fire on the first victim of his shooting spree. In the course of the nine-day spree, he is alleged to have killed two homeless men and wounded three others in Washington, D.C., and New York City. more here

10 Comments on Virginia: How One Progressive Prosecutor Paved the Way for an East Coast Shooting Spree

  1. Why can’t this shyster be held to account?
    THIS is why the Legislatures declared them irresponsible – to protect them from the fruits of their sociopathy.

    Curse them and the legislatures who immunized them.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Those who lost loved ones to this murder, should file a class action lawsuit for negligence against the Fairfax County Commonwealth Attorney for millions in damages. Then everyone in Fairfax County need to recall this criminal and hand him his walking papers

  3. If I accidentally leave a gas line leaking and someone dies, that is criminal negligence causing death among other things.
    However, a prosecutor/DA can knowingly endanger the public and face nothing except a nasty article in a conservative news paper.

    Why is that acceptable & not fiscally liable for damages?

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