Virginia is For Freedom Lovers – IOTW Report

Virginia is For Freedom Lovers

There are a plethora of Karens screaming like harpy bitches in other tweets, saying these people are going to cause a spike.

So, stay home!!!!!!

ht/ c. steven tucker

20 Comments on Virginia is For Freedom Lovers

  1. I am done arguing.
    I am going to do what makes sense to me. Not interested in any more discussions with Karen, or with Karen. Too many damn Karens these days.
    And the reality is that the Karens are popping up because it is about to end, because the masses are ignoring the futile gestures from the states to control us.

  2. Turn it around on them. They told you if you don’t like abortions, then don’t get one.
    Ok. You don’t like going to the beach, then stay away.
    My body, my choice.

  3. “…There are a plethora of Karens screaming like harpy bitches in other tweets, saying these people are going to cause a spike…”

    Laughing my ass off because my sister’s name is Karen and she is (was – now retired) a public policy lawyer who worked in state government her whole career writing health care policy law. And she is also a batshit crazy statist.

    She despises anyone who questions the government’s mandates and chooses to live free, fully aware of the risks that are out there. She IS a screaming Karen.

  4. Lazlo visited an elderly client who had a car drive over his landscaping and I was adjusting his claim
    This guy loves working in his yard.
    He complained to me that people would stop and scold him to go inside when he was working on his yard (house pride, he has it. Place looked great). He asked me what I thought.
    I asked him what kills the virus. He shrugged.
    I pointed at the Sun.
    His smile was a thing to behold.
    He just needed to hear some common sense.
    I showed him what finger to display the next time he got told to go inside.

  5. I have a friend who was AT Virginia Beach, ON the beach. She thinks that these photos are from another time, because the photos she took at the same time were far less populated. Any EXIF Data on the photo?

    Yeah, thought so. No date information.

  6. Last comment I promise 😉

    Telephoto lenses compress depth of field. It could be that trick of the trade.

    Another fact is that the water temperature at Virginia Beach is 57 degrees. No one with sense would have been in the water.

  7. @Phenry – good to hear, in addition to the great pics you take? MAKE SURE you do several vids as well!

    We love Virginia, especially Monticello and Poplar Forest…I like to think Virginia is for Historians :>)

    The UoV is the most amazing place as well, the original library building, the ‘serpentine walls’ the rolling lawn, centered in between the two ‘arms’ of resident living structures, built for the professors at the time…

    But I will go back there next time with a COMPLETELY different ‘perspective’…removed statues and all.

    BTW, did anyone here about this story that made me want to SCREAM, that said as a Yankee, this is not VA but in Memphis:

    Remember peeps, the statue removal is not and never will be good enough…absolute scum.


  8. @ghost

    Although there has been much blather about statue removal, I have yet to hear of any being removed.

    I would gladly accept those statues for safe keeping until people come to their senses.

  9. This just in from W.H.O.

    Remember to wash your hands after punching Karen.

    And don’t punch Mamomma. Matter of fact, I like every Karen I ever met. I guess the name Hillary was already taken.

  10. @PHenry ~ wish you folks could do some CW Battlefield preservation, instead of suburban sprawl

    hard to recognize Fredericksburg, Salem Church, Manassas & Chancellorsville. the Wilderness is about half gone, Spotsylvania CH is hanging on, so is Appomattox

    … guess that’s why I like Sharpsburg … out of the way & still much of it looks the same as it did back in 1862 (‘cept for those damn gaudy monuments & the West Woods)

  11. I work in Spotsylvania Courthouse. What a treasure that place is. The confederate graveyard is amazing. The battlefield is spectacular. But the encroachment of the filthy DC interlopers put all of those sites in jeopardy.

  12. Would like to know the angle and lens length that took the photo shown in that tweet.

    I’ve seen article on how a photographer can turn a dozen people spread out on a sidewalk into a photo that looks like dozens all crowded together just by the angle they use and how far away they are (and powerful the lens is) when they take the picture.


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