Virginia: Miyares demands action on missing migrant children – IOTW Report

Virginia: Miyares demands action on missing migrant children

(The Center Square) — Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares is again demanding action from the federal government as information concerning the unknown whereabouts of thousands of migrant minors continues to come to light. 

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General released a report this week revealing “significant failures in the oversight and management of unaccompanied migrant children, contributing to thousands of children going missing after being released from federal custody,” according to a press release from Miyares’ office. 

“The disappearance of even one child is a tragedy, but the bureaucratic failures that have led to the loss of hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied migrant children is nothing short of a crisis,” Miayres said in a statement.“Federal, state, and local authorities must work together to establish a seamless system that prioritizes the safety and well-being of these children. This is not just a federal issue—it is a national crisis that requires full commitment and cooperation from all levels of government.”  more

5 Comments on Virginia: Miyares demands action on missing migrant children

  1. As much as I hate to make this observation, these representatives were pretty much forced upon us by the Virginia GOP. The rich and powerful have ruled Virginia from the 1600s, and they did not want to upset the apple cart. They replaced the primary for a caucus which was invitation only to the same rich and powerful people whose descendants have owned this state since it was colonized. No grass roots candidates for office were allowed.

    It’s no wonder that Virginia switches from blue to red and back, these current corrupt idiots allowed the House and Senate to be stolen by Democrats over the last 4 years.

    This administration has maintained the old GOP tenet “Do Nothing”.

    I thought there was at least hope that Virginia would be saved from Communist rot when Youngkin and Company took over, but I really haven’t seen a damn thing. The schools are still forcing woke indoctrination, the infrastructure is crumbling, and we’re holding on to our Second Amendment rights by a thread.

    Sending letters about illegal immigrant children is nothing but political posturing to keep a name in the news. How about investigating the past election and see the mail in ballot counts that flipped the House?


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