Virginia Parents Blast ‘Tone-Deaf’ Obama Over Education Complaints Amid Sexual Assault Allegations – IOTW Report

Virginia Parents Blast ‘Tone-Deaf’ Obama Over Education Complaints Amid Sexual Assault Allegations

Conservative Brief: Virginia parents ripped into former President Barack Obama as he was campaigning on behalf of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe over the weekend over what they termed as “tone-deaf” remarks regarding complaints about school curriculum and alleged sexual assaults that did not get reported.

On Saturday, Obama took aim at McAuliffe’s GOP rival, Glenn Youngkin, for his campaign’s focus on the highly emotional topic of education, dismissing them as not serious and based on “fake outrage.”

“We don’t have time to be wasting on these phony trumped-up culture wars, this fake outrage that right-wing media peddles to juice their ratings,” Obama said, going on to accuse Youngkin of avoiding “serious problems that affect serious people” while saying that outrage over the actions of various school boards isn’t justified, Fox News reported.

At that, Virginia parents and parental advocates fired back at those remarks, labeling the 44th president “tone-deaf” and “clueless.”

“Instead of stoking anger aimed at school boards and administrators, who are just trying to keep our kids safe… we should be making it easier for teachers and schools to give our kids the world-class education they deserve, and to do so safely while they are in the classroom,” Obama said. more here

12 Comments on Virginia Parents Blast ‘Tone-Deaf’ Obama Over Education Complaints Amid Sexual Assault Allegations

  1. Jug head sent his kids to private schools why should he care about your kids? He and the rest of the pols and government functionaries make dc look like the hunger games. God I hate them all

  2. The old foreign African Bayrack Obutthole sure does like to give his unwanted, hate filled American advice whenever he can escape the stinky embrace of his manwife the linebacker!

  3. “Instead of stoking anger aimed at school boards and administrators, who are just trying to keep our kids safe”. Um, yeah. Is that why they want to remove the police from the schools?

    Just saying.

  4. “Virginia parents blast tone deaf Obama”. Great headline but from what I can find he was blasted after the speech and back at home. Apparently the Dems are so good at vetting their rallys nobody is able do anything until the next day. Makes it easy to get all his talking points accross with no opposition.


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