Virginia: RINO-backed Kiggans Defends Pro-Trans Voting Record, Refuses to Support Trump – IOTW Report

Virginia: RINO-backed Kiggans Defends Pro-Trans Voting Record, Refuses to Support Trump

National File

GOP establishment-backed congressional candidate Jen Kiggans defended her pro-trans voting record in the Virginia State Senate and once again wouldn’t back a 2024 Trump run for President in a recent radio appearance on the John Fredericks Show.

As the establishment-backed candidate for Congress in Virginia’s battleground 2nd District, Kiggans is endorsed by Kevin McCarthy and disgraced ex-Rep. Scott Taylor, but has been mocked by the GOP base and her opponent, Jarome Bell, for her dismal fundraising levels. At one point, it was even speculated that Kiggans would drop out of the race, only to be bailed out by the McCarthy-tied Congressional Leadership Fund, which offers direct cash infusions to the establishment’s chosen ones, and by Elise Stefanik’s Elevate PAC, which exclusively endorses female candidates.

In her latest appearance on the John Fredericks Show, the host wasted no time in taking Kiggans to task on her political record and fundraising woes, leading to her trying to dance around the campaign finance issue by asking him to hold a fundraiser for her, and to donate to her campaign. read more

10 Comments on Virginia: RINO-backed Kiggans Defends Pro-Trans Voting Record, Refuses to Support Trump

  1. McCarthy and McCONnell will carry another RINO establishment
    toad to thwart Conservation issues.

    McCarthy and McCONnell are not leaders they are liberal appeasing obstructionists.

  2. As has been pointed out for The Disney Krew, and pedo-supporting politicians, call her a “PEDO”. If you have the short time to finish before you’re cut off, call her a “Pedo Trans-(Re)Publican”

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